SWRU546E October 2018 – May 2022 AWR6843 , AWR6843AOP , IWR6443 , IWR6843 , IWR6843AOP
Figure 5-11 shows the part designators and positions of the switches on the xWR6843AOPEVM.
Reference Designator | Switch ON | Switch OFF |
S1.1 | UART routed to 60-pin connector / Bluetooth | UART routed to CP2105 UART |
S1.2 | UART routed to 60-pin connector | UART routed to Bluetooth |
S1.3 | SOP0 pulled down | SOP0 pulled up |
S1.4 | SOP1 pulled up | SOP1 pulled down |
S2.1 | SPI MISO/MOSI routed to CAN Transceiver | SPI MISO/MOSI routed to 60-pin connector / BT/ LCD |
S2.2 | SPI CS routed to 60-pin connector | SPI CS routed to BT/ LCD |
S2.3 | Bluetooth Enable | Bluetooth Disable |
S2.4 | Not Connected | Not Connected |
S3 | SOP2 Pulled up | SOP2 Pulled down |
SW2 | Reset switch | |
SW3 | User switch |