1 Smartphone companion projectors: a big-screen experience, anywhere | Phone and tablet displays are relatively small, but a small accessory
projector can make a big screen for sharing content. |
2 Technological advancements impacting smartphone companion projectors | The evolution of RGB LED illumination and DLP Pico technology has enabled
significant improvement in small projectors. |
3 DLP Pico technology for smartphone companion projectors | Learn which DLP Pico chipsets are the best fit and how they are integrated
into a system. |
4 Smartphone companion projector design and tradeoffs | Find the right balance between performance, cost, size, and features to
enable a successful product. |
5 Product development and supply chain | From a new custom design to an existing third party solution, there are a
variety of ways to develop a new smartphone companion projector. |
The combination of widespread high-speed mobile data access and the high adoption rate of smartphones and tablets gives consumers the ability to stream video content easily and quickly. However, the portability of these devices limits their display sizes to a typical range of 4 to 10 inches diagonally, which is not ideal for extended viewing sessions or sharing content with multiple viewers. A pocket-sized solution to this problem is a smartphone companion projector that can create a big picture experience just about anywhere.