SLVAF76 August 2021 TPS62901 , TPS62902 , TPS62902-Q1 , TPS62903 , TPS62903-Q1
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Real estate is a luxury in some applications where every inch is needed and utilized. At the same time, power demand increases as more functionalities are added in new designs with higher power requirements. For example, a decade ago smartphones were twice the size as the ones of today and had very limited functionality. More functionalities are added and the performance is dramatically increased with better cameras, more memory, better speed, faster touch screen, better audio, more battery life, faster charging, and so on. Power system designers are left with no other option but to make the best of limited board space with the highest efficiency possible. The TPS62903 gives the designer lots of flexibility to configure it for the smallest application size possible. The following section discusses the possible adjustments needed to achieve that.
The TPS62903 is a very flexible synchronous step-down DC/DC converter. If its flexibility is used in the right way, power designers can get the smallest application size possible. This section discusses how to best configure TPS62903 for smaller possible area . When talking about the solution size of a buck converter, there are three elements to consider: