SLVAFB7 April 2022 TPSI3050 , TPSI3050 , TPSI3050-Q1 , TPSI3050-Q1 , TPSI3052 , TPSI3052 , TPSI3052-Q1 , TPSI3052-Q1
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In the automotive industry, electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are using up to 400-V or 800-V batteries. In industrial applications within grid infrastructure and power delivery, 120-Vac or 240-Vac control is commonly used. These are high voltage (HV) systems that require high voltage switching technologies. The most common solutions in this space are Si MOSFETs, IGBTs, and SiC MOSFETs Figure 2-1. The TPSI3050-Q1 offers 5 kV reinforced isolation and AEC-Q100 qualification for automotive applications while the TPSI3050 offers 3 kV basic isolation for industrial applications.
Figure 2-2 shows ID vs VDS (or VCE) curves for the three different power transistors. The RDS(ON) for MOSFETs can be extracted from these curves; lower RDS(ON) results in lower power dissipation in the transistor. The lowest RDS(ON) can be estimated using the relation between ID, VDS, and VGS. For the same ID current for different VGS curves, the higher the VDS drop, the higher the resulting RDS(ON). In the case of the IGBTs, the curves represent Collector-Emitter voltage drop (VCE). The higher the VCE , the higher the power dissipation in the IGBT. Therefore, for a given collector current operation, it is helpful to operate the IGBT at a higher VGE to achieve a lower VCE, resulting in lower power dissipation.
For the Si MOSFET (left plot of Figure 2-2) when VGS is greater than 7-V and the MOSFET is in the ohmic region, RDS(ON) is at the lowest possible value. The ohmic region shows overlapping curves for VGS greater than 7-V representing relatively constant RDS(ON). TPSI3050 generates a 10-V gate drive which is suitable for many Si MOSFETs. For IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs, the optimal operating condition might require higher VGS voltage to obtain full enhancement.
IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs can a have higher dependence on the drive voltage as can be observed in the linear region (IGBTs) or ohmic region (MOSFETs) with different slopes in Figure 2-2 . If insufficient VGE (IGBTs)/VGS (SiC MOSFETs) is used for IGBTs or SiC MOSFETs power switches, then high conduction losses can occur. High conduction losses can lead to potential damage of the power switch. Care must be taken to ensure thermal considerations are understood as well as ensuring the device's safe operating area is not violated. For this IGBT (center plot of Figure 2-2), VGE higher than 15-V is desired to obtain lower VCE for lower power dissipation. For the case of the SiC MOSFET (right plot of Figure 2-2), RDS(ON) is highly dependent on VGS and 20-V would provide the lowest RDS(ON).
These are examples where cascoding two TPSI3050 devices would provide optimal gate drive to reduce conduction losses. TPSI3050 generates a floating secondary supply of 10-V and when two devices are cascoded, these can be combined to obtain higher voltage levels. Two TPSI3050 devices allow for gate drive voltages up to 20-V. In addition, it can be configured to provide other options such as -5-V to 15-V. Figure 3-1 shows how to configure two TPSI3050 devices to obtain voltages from -5-V to 15-V and 0-V to 20-V.
TPSI3050 has a floating secondary supply and because of this feature it can bootstrap another TPSI3050 device using VDRV signal. to achieve a gate drive voltage from 0-V to 20-V, connect VSSS of the bottom TPSI3050 device to the source of the power transistor and VDRV of the top TPSI3050 device to the gate of the power transistor. To create a voltage drive from -5-V to 15-V, connect VDDM of the bottom TPSI3050 device to the source of the power transistor. Scope captures in Figure 3-3 show the results of the two different configurations.