The LMK6x orderable part numbers (OPNs) from Texas Instruments contain information about the frequency and package of the device. This application note provides a quick summary of how to decode this information as well as provides a list of LMK6x orderable part numbers (OPNs) with associated configurations, packaging information, and device top marking.
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LMK6x orderable part number naming is descriptive and contains both feature and package information. This application note provides guidance on how this information is decoded.
Table 3-1 through Table 6-1 list the OPNs of LMK6x variants. Use Section 2 as a reference for how to decode this OPN information and refer to Section 3 through Section 6 for decoded information from the LMK6x OPNs.
Contact TI to learn more about a possible variant that is not listed in this application note.