DLPU103B october 2020 – may 2023 DLP230NP
It is possible to write to the Flash device of the controller (or the FPGA) without turning off the system. Note that the following can be executed even after the system has already been initialized to external video mode. Each of the three scripts mentioned in this tutorial always revert the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins to inputs before any action is taken to prevent damage to the EVM hardware. Assuming that the python scripts have been loaded to:
$ cd /home/pi/Documents/dlp
To upload a flash image to the EVM, it should be available on the Raspberry Pi in an accessible directory. From here, you should execute the following:
$ python3 flash_write_controller.py dlpdlcr230np_controller_7p3p9.img
$ python3 flash_write_controller.py <Flash Image Name>
This will write the existing image file (dlpdlcr230np_controller_7p3p9.img) to the EVM’s controller flash device. This name can be substituted for any file which has the *.img file type extension.
Note that in the case above, the image being used matches what is already on the flash device (which is why the warning is issued). In this case no write occurs. To write to the FPGA, execute the following instead:
$ python3 flash_write_fpga.py dlpdlcr230np_fpga_v1p1.bin
$ python3 flash_write_fpga.py <FPGA Binary Name>
To perform an FPGA flash write, the given binary must be in the *.bin file format.