DLPU125 june 2023
VHDL module, dmd_load_fsm.vhd, performs the DLPC910 test pattern data load function (“loader” function). The loader reads test pattern data from the DMD data buffer, formats the data, and sends the data to the data_ctl_out.vhd module for serialization and buffering to the DLPC910. In addition, the appropriate row address, row command, and DVALID control signals are created to send along with the data.
By default, the loader loads test pattern images in response to a load trigger pulse from the dload_trigger.vhd module. The default period for the trigger pulse is 400 us. The loader load interval register provides the capability to change the trigger period. Section 5.1.12.
When the reset type is global or quad-block phased, the loader can be put into free-run mode, where the load trigger is ignored and the loader loads images successively, and as quickly as possible. The free-run mode demonstrates the minimum DLP component set image load times. Loader Control (0x0040)
The following loader control settings are configurable through USB GPIF registers:
Once a full image is loaded, or a single mirror block is loaded, the loader sends mirror reset request to the phased DMD reset state machine. The loader uses DLP6500 and DLP9000X look up tables, addressable by the current device row number, to determine on which rows to send phased reset requests.