Follow the instructions below for
loading the DLPC964 Apps binary onto the FPGA via a bitstream using Vivado Lab Solutions 2018.2.
Note: Click the link above to download Vivado Lab Solutions
2018.2. Once the webpage is loaded, find the archived 2018.2 folder and then
navigate to the Vivado Lab Solutions 2018.2 downloadable link and download the
Note: The FPGA needs to be reloaded each time power is
lost/disconnected from the AMD EVM.
- Plug in the Micro-B USB cable
into the side of the VC707 and the other end into the computer running
- Start Vivado Lab Solutions 2018.2
on the computer.
- Select Open Hardware
Manager from the main window.
- Click open target located
in the top left of the hardware manager then Auto Connect.
- If the AMD EVM is the
only FPGA plugged into the computer, then Vivado automatically connects
to the AMD EVM.
- Right-click on the FPGA
and select Program Device.
- Navigate to the appstop.mcs file
and select Program.