DLPU133A March 2024 – February 2025 DLPC964
Figure 2-1 shows the Apps FPGA Hardware Block diagram with varies modules. Each module plays an important role in trasmitting bitplanes to the DLPC964 controller. The DLPC964 recieves high-speed bit plane data from the external front end source (AMD Xilinx Virtex-7 VC-707) and formats the data prior to loading into a DLPLCR99EVM or DLPLCR99UVEVM for display on a DLP991U or DLP991UUV DMD.
The Bitplane Pattern Generator (BPG) is the main module when interfacing with the DLPC964 Apps FPGA and helps monitor the bitplane data being loaded from PGEN into the DLPC964 controller. The Block Reset Generator (BRG) helps start the PGEN data that was sent to the DLPC964 when the controller is not busy which is determined by the mcp_active signal coming from the DLPC964 controller.
Once the data is ready to be loaded into PGEN, the bitplane data is transmitted through HSSTOP, which is a wrapper for all four GTX channels (gtx0 - gtx3). Each channel helps trasmit the bitplane data to the DLPC964 controller with speeds up to 10Gbps for each channel. These modules are going to be explained in further detail below.