DLPU133 March 2024 DLPC964
When Pattern Cycle is enabled, patterns 1-8 is cycled through the DLPC964 controller. Patterns 9-14 are not cycled through, but can be selected by the customer.
Pattern Number | Value | Name | Description |
1 | 0x0 | Full-on | Full white background where all the mirrors on the DMD is in the on position. |
2 | 0x1 | Full-off | Full black background where all the mirrors on the DMD is in the off position. |
3 | 0x2 | Checkerboard | A black and white checkerboard pattern with squares 64 pixels long by 68 lines high. The height and width were chosen to be a repeatable 136 x 1024 image. |
4 | 0x3 | Single pixel grid with border | A single pixel border surrounds every 136 x 1024 area with a grid pattern inscribed inside each one. The vertical lines are spaced 32 pixels apart and the horizontal lines are spaced 34 lines apart. |
5 | 0x4 | West to East Diagonal Lines | Diagonal lines spanning west to east of each segment. |
6 | 0x5 | East to West Diagonal Lines | Diagonal lines spanning east to west of each segment. |
7 | 0x6 | Horizontal Lines | 16 line wide horizontal lines. |
8 | 0x7 | Vertical Lines | 16 pixel wide vertical lines. |
9 | 0x8 | Load2 checkerboard | DEBUG PATTERN
A black and white checkerboard pattern with squares 32 pixels by 34 line high. The pattern continues between lines 0-67. Lines 68-135 are all black. This is to easily show how the load2 operation works. |
10 | 0x9 | Dots 10 by 10 | DEBUG PATTERN
Customer requested pattern where single white pixels are spaced 8 pixels evenly in the X and Y direction. |
11 | 0xA | Inverting Checkerboard | DEBUG PATTERN
This is an inverted version of the checkerboard pattern (0x2). When the user selects this pattern (0xA), the pattern timer register causes the BPG to flip between this pattern and the original checkerboard pattern (0x2). This is to help with hinge memory issues and must be used whenever the light source is off. |
12 | 0xB | Random Noise Pattern | DEBUG PATTERN Randomized noise pattern for customer tilt angle testing. |
13 | 0xC | 1x1 Horizontal Lines | DEBUG PATTERN Every row alternates between black/white and can be used to check for issues with row loads. |
14 | 0xD | 1x1 Vertical Lines | DEBUG PATTERN Every column alternates between black/white and can be used to check for issues with data bus lines. |
15 | 0xE | Full on/off | DEBUG PATTERN Selecting this pattern causes the BPG to toggle between full-on (0x0) and full-off (0x1) patterns based on the pattern timer value. |