DLPU133A March   2024  – February 2025 DLPC964


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Overview
    1. 2.1 Get Started
    2. 2.2 Features
    3. 2.3 Assumptions
    4. 2.4 Apps FPGA Hardware Target
  5. 2Apps FPGA Modules
    1. 3.1  Apps FPGA Block Diagram
    2. 3.2  BPG Module
    3. 3.3  BRG Module
      1. 3.3.1 Start Signal Logic
      2. 3.3.2 Delay Needed Logic
      3. 3.3.3 Blocks Sent/Loaded Logic
    4. 3.4  BRG_ST Module
    5. 3.5  PGEN Module
    6. 3.6  PGEN_MCTRL Module
    7. 3.7  PGEN_SCTRL Module
    8. 3.8  PGEN_PRM Module
    9. 3.9  PGEN_ADDR_ROM
    10. 3.10 HSSTOP Module
    11. 3.11 SSF Module
    12. 3.12 ENC Module
    13. 3.13 Xilinx IP
      1. 3.13.1 PGEN_SPBROM_v3
      2. 3.13.2 MAINPLL
    14. 3.14 Reference Documents
    15. 3.15 DLPC964 Apps FPGA IO
    16. 3.16 Key Definitions
  6. 3Functional Configuration
    1. 4.1 Blocks Enabled
    2. 4.2 Pattern Cycle Enable
      1. 4.2.1 North/South Flip
      2. 4.2.2 TPG Patterns
      3. 4.2.3 Pattern Mode
      4. 4.2.4 Switching Modes
      5. 4.2.5 Changing the BPG Patterns
  7. 4Appendix
    1. 5.1 Vivado Chipscope Captures
    2. 5.2 DLPC964 Apps Bitstream Loading
      1. 5.2.1 Loading Bitstream onto FPGA
      2. 5.2.2 Loading Bitstream onto Flash
    3. 5.3 Interfacing To DLPC964 Controller with Aurora 64B/66B
      1. 5.3.1 Theory of Operation
      2. 5.3.2 Overview
      3. 5.3.3 Aurora 64B/66B TX Core and RTL Generation
        1.  Select Aurora 64B66B From IP Catalog
        2.  Configure Core Options
        3.  Lane Configurations
        4.  Shared Logic Options
        5.  Generate Example Design Files
        6.  RTL File List
        7.  Single Channel 3 Lanes Aurora Core RTL Wrapper
        8.  Four Channels 12 Lanes Top Level RTL Wrapper
        9.  Block Start with Block Control Word
        10. Block Complete with DMDLOAD_REQ
        11. DMDLOAD_REQ Setup Time Requirement
        12. Single Channel Transfer Mode
        13. DMD Block Array Data Mapping
        14. Xilinx IBERT
  8. 5Abbreviations and Acronyms
  9. 6Related Documentation from Texas Instruments
  10. 7Revision History

Block Start with Block Control Word

Aurora is a generic data transport link without concept of a DMD block. To define the start of a DMD block, the Apps user logics must send a Block Control word packet through channel 0 Aurora user-k port before data transmission.

Refer to Xilinx app note Chapter 2 Table 2-10 for detailed information regarding the Aurora user-k interface port. In summary, the user-k interface ports are used to implement application-specific control functions, and are independent and higher priority than the data interface. As shown in Table 4-2 , the RTL wrapper aurora_apps_tx_x12ln.v has four channels of user-k port interface exposed to Apps FPGA user logics.

Note: Only channel 0 is used to transmit the Block Control word. Control word packets sending over the user-k port of channel 1, 2 and 3 are not used and ignored by DLPC964 Controller.
Table 4-2 RTL Wrapper “aurora_apps_tx_x12ln.v” User-k Ports Usage
Signal Name Signal Direction DLPC964 Application Usage
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[191:0] Input to Aurora Channel 0 192 bits Block Control word packet to be trasmitted
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tvalid Input to Aurora Channel 0

User logics asserted this signal high to indicate to Aurora core the Block Control word is valid to transmit.

Aurora cores ignore word if tvalid is low.

gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tready Output from Aurora Channel 0

Aurora cores assert this signal high when the Block Control word is accepted.

Deasserted when words are ignored, ie. cores are not ready to accept input word.

gt1_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[191:0] Input to Aurora Channel 1 Unused
gt1_s_axi_user_k_tx_tvalid Input to Aurora Channel 1 Unused
gt1_s_axi_user_k_tx_tready Output from Aurora Channel 1 Unused
gt2_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[191:0] Input to Aurora Channel 2 Unused
gt2_s_axi_user_k_tx_tvalid Input to Aurora Channel 2 Unused
gt2_s_axi_user_k_tx_tready Output from Aurora Channel 2 Unused
gt3_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[191:0] Input to Aurora Channel 3 Unused
gt3_s_axi_user_k_tx_tvalid Input to Aurora Channel 3 Unused
gt3_s_axi_user_k_tx_tready Output from Aurora Channel 3 Unused

Table 4-3 describes the various fields within the 192 bits Block Control word. Block Control word not only defines the start of a DMD block, but also contains instruction and information to guide the DLPC964 controller on how to process the receiving DMD block data

Table 4-3 Block Control Word Fields Definition
Field Position Field Type Field Description
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[7:0] USER_BLOCK_NUMBER Must set to zeros (0x00). Values other than 0x00 are invalid, DLPC964 controller ignores the entire 192 bits control word if this field is not zeros.
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[11:8] BLOCK_ADDRESS

Indicates the address of the DMD block to which DLPC964 applies the operation.

0000: DMD Block 0

0001: DMD Block 1,

0010: DMD Block 2


1111: DMD Block 15

gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[15:7] Reserved, unused.
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[24:16] ROW_LENGTH Number of row DLPC964 loads the user data. DLP991U and DLP991UUV DMD has 136 rows per block, thus valid range is 1-136. All other values, including 0 are invalid. Set to 136 for full block operation. Value 1 to 135 for partial block.
Note: This field used if LOAD_TYPE is 000.
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[34:32] LOAD_TYPE

000: Block loading. DLPC964 load the user data to the DMD array area defined by the BLOCK_ADDRESS and ROW_LENGTH.

001: Block clear. DLPC964 clear the DMD array to zeros of the entire block define by BLOCK_ADDRESS.

010: Block set. DLPC964 set the DMD array to ones of the entire block defined by BLOCK_ADDRESS. Other values: reserved, do not use.

Note: When in 001 (block clear) or 010 (block set) operation, the ROW_LENGTHand NORTH_SOUTH_FLIP fields are ignored because clear and set operation affect the entire DMD block array. In other words, block set/clear operation do not support partial block operation.
gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[36] NORTH_SOUTH_FLIP

Control the direction of data loading within a DMD block.

0: DLPC964 load data starting and counting up from row 1.

1: DLPC964 load data starting and counting down from row 136.

gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[29:28] DMD_SEGMENT

When SINGLE_CHANNEL_MODE = '1', select the DMD segment to which the DLC964 applies the operation.

DLPC964 Controller ignores this field if SINGLE_CHANNEL_MODE = '0'.

gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[30] SINGLE_CHANNEL_MODE

1: Signle channel operation. Operate the DMD array with only Aurora channel 0.

0: Normal operation. Operate the DMD array with all four Aurora channels.

gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[191:31] reserved, unused.

Figure 4-18 showing the transmission of the 192 bits Block Control word over the channel 0 user-k port at the start of an Aurora block transfer (in this example, loading all 136 lines of DMD block 1).

DLPLCRC964EVM Block Start with Block Control
                    Word Waveform Figure 4-18 Block Start with Block Control Word Waveform
  1. With the proper Block Control word on bus gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tdata[191:0], the Apps FPGA user logics asserts the TVALID flag (gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tvalid), and waits for the response of the Aurora core.
  2. Aurora asserts the TREADY flag, gt0_s_axi_user_k_tx_tready, indicating the core has accepted the 192 bits user-k data.
  3. After the Block Control word is sent, Apps FPGA user logic starts the Aurora block transfer on all four data interfaces.