Input | ADC Differential Input (Vdif) | ADC Common-Mode Input (Vcm) | Digital Output ADS9110 |
0V | –5V | 2.5V | 20000H |
5V | +5V | 2.5V | 1FFFFH |
V+ (op amp) | AVDD | DVDD | REFP |
5V | 5V | 3V | 5V |
This circuit uses two OPA320 op amps to perform a single-ended to differential conversion for driving the ADS8912B fully-differential ADC. Another approach to solve this problem uses a fully-differential amplifier (FDA). See Single-Ended to Differential Conversion Using an Op Amp and FDA for Unipolar Signals for the FDA example. Since there are many thousands of different types of op amps available, finding an op amp the meets your specific requirements may be easer than finding an fully-differential amplifier. Most FDAs, for example, do not have as good swing to the rail, offset, bias current, and drift as many precision op amps have. On the other hand, the op-amp approach has an asymmetrical group delay in the inverting and non-inverting paths. Furthermore, FDA amplifiers often have better distortion and ADC drive characteristics. In general, the FDA approach will achieve best SNR and THD, and the op-amp approach will achieve best DC characteristics. Nevertheless, the specific op amp or FDA will impact the comparison of the two typologies.
Specification | Goal | Calculated | Simulated |
Transient ADC Input Settling (1MSPS) | < 0.5LSB = 19.1µV | NA | 5µV |
Input Output Range | NA | NA | 0.1 < VIN < 4.9V –4.8V < VOUT < 4.8V |
Noise | NA | 30.5µVRMS | 28.4µVRMS |
The following graph shows the DC transfer characteristics for this circuit (0-V to 5-V single-ended input, –5-V to +5-V fully-differential output). Note that the linear range is limited to about 0.1V from both supply rails (Vin linear range approximately 0.1V to 4.9V). The limitation is from the amplifier output swing limit. For improved linear swing the negative and positive supply on the amplifiers would need to be adjusted. See Low-Power Sensor Measurements: 3.3-V, 1-ksps, 12-bit, Single-Ended, Dual-Supply Circuit for an example on how to do this.
In this case the bandwidth limitation is primary set by the Rfilt, Cfilt values. The amplifier closed loop bandwidth can also impact the overall bandwidth. Note the bandwidth of U2 is half the bandwidth of U1 as its noise gain is two (BWU2 = GBW/Gn = 20MHz/2 = 10MHz).
Group delay is the time delay between the applied input signal and the output signal. All amplifiers and filters will have a group delay. Group delay is highlighted for this circuit because the inverting and non-inverting path both have different group delays. This can create distortion for higher frequency signals. See the group delay in time domain plot for additional detail.
The following graph shows qualitatively how group delay can effect time domain signals. The errors in this plot are exaggerated to emphasize the effect of group delay. The green signal represents the output on AIN_P and the blue signal represents the inverted output on AIN_N. Ideally, the two signals should track, but the group delay shifts the blue signal to the right. Notice that when signals are moving slowly the error is relatively small and when they are moving rapidly the error is larger. Thus, low frequency signals will have good distortion, and higher frequency signals will have degraded distortion. SPICE does not simulate THD, so for quantitative values measurement is required. However, if the input signal period more than 1,000 times larger than the group delay between the channels than this effect can generally be neglected.
The following noise calculation considers the amplifier and resistor noise. Note that the noise from U1 is inverted by U2 and added at the differential output. Since this noise is directly correlated, it adds directly as opposed to root sum square addition usually used for noise sources. Also note that the output filter is approximated as first order but it is a more complex filter. The calculated noise compares well to the simulated noise (calculated = 30.5µVRMS, simulated = 28.4µVRMS).
The calculated noise compares well to the simulated noise (calculated = 30.5µVRMS, simulated = 28.4µVRMS). See Calculating the Total Noise for ADC Systems for detailed theory on this subject.
The following simulation shows settling to a full scale DC input signal at 500kSPS. This type of simulation shows that the sample and hold kickback circuit is properly selected. See Introduction to SAR ADC Front-End Component Selection for detailed theory on this subject.
Device | Key Features | Link | Other Possible Devices |
ADS8912 | 18-bit resolution, 500-kSPS sample rate, integrated reference buffer, fully-differential input, Vref input range 2.5V to 5V. | 18-Bit, 500kSPS, 1-Ch SAR ADC with Internal VREF Buffer, Internal LDO and Enhanced SPI Interface | Precision ADCs |
OPA320 | 20-MHz bandwidth, Rail-to-Rail with zero crossover distortion, VosMax = 150μV, VosDriftMax = 5μV/C, en = 7 nV/√ Hz | Precision, zero-crossover, 20MHz, 0.9pA Ib, RRIO, CMOS operational amplifier | Precision op amps (Vos < 1mV) |
Texas Instruments, source files for SBAA265, support software
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