SBAA274A September 2018 – March 2023 ADS1118 , ADS1119 , ADS1120 , ADS112C04 , ADS112U04 , ADS1146 , ADS1147 , ADS1148 , ADS114S06 , ADS114S06B , ADS114S08 , ADS114S08B , ADS1219 , ADS1220 , ADS122C04 , ADS122U04 , ADS1246 , ADS1247 , ADS1248 , ADS124S06 , ADS124S08 , ADS125H02 , ADS1260 , ADS1261 , ADS1262 , ADS1263
The measurement circuit requires:
In many precision ADCs, a bias voltage generator provides a DC input voltage for unbiased sensors such as thermocouples. This VBIAS voltage may be connected to the sensor through the multiplexer to the ADC input pins. For most devices, this VBIAS may be set to a voltage of (AVDD – AVSS) / 2. This provides a mid-supply voltage used to set the sensor bias in the middle of the input range of the PGA.
A single pullup resistor may be attached to the positive thermocouple lead for burn-out detection. In the case of a burned-out thermocouple, negative lead is still set to mid-supply, while positive lead is pulled up to AVDD. As in the previous designs, the pullup resistor is generally large to keep the bias current low. Any bias current reacting with the lead resistance of the thermocouple becomes an error in the measurement. However, the biasing current must be large enough to overcome the ADC input current. If a burn-out condition exists, the pullup resistor must be able pull the positive analog input high enough above VBIAS to give an ADC full-scale reading (7FFFh, assuming a 16-bit bipolar ADC).
As in the previous topologies, the biasing resistor must be high to keep the bias current low. Bias current reacting with the resistive leads of the thermocouple is measured as an error voltage. Also, the ADC input current reacts with the series input filter resistance and multiplexer resistance to add another measurement error.
While it is possible to connect VBIAS directly to the measurement negative input (AIN1 through the ADC multiplexer), that particular configuration may not yield precise results. The biasing current flows from the pullup resistor, through the thermocouple, into the input, and finally is sunk into the VBIAS connection. The bias current reacting with the series filter resistor (and any series resistance in the input multiplexer) causes a significant error in the measurement. In the configuration shown in Figure 2-3, the VBIAS drives the thermocouple lead from an external pin, allowing the bias current to bypass the input filter resistance.
Unless the cold junction is at 0°C, there should be a separate cold-junction measurement. This measurement can be done through several different methods, using either an RTD, calibrated thermistor, or a variety of integrated circuit temperature sensors.