SBAS841 October   2017 ADS54J64


  1. Features
  2. Applications
  3. Description
  4. Revision History
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4  Thermal Information
    5. 6.5  Electrical Characteristics
    6. 6.6  AC Performance
    7. 6.7  Digital Characteristics
    8. 6.8  Timing Characteristics
    9. 6.9  Typical Characteristics: DDC Bypass Mode
    10. 6.10 Typical Characteristics: Mode 2
    11. 6.11 Typical Characteristics: Mode 0
    12. 6.12 Typical Characteristics: Dual ADC Mode
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1 Analog Inputs
      2. 7.3.2 Recommended Input Circuit
      3. 7.3.3 Clock Input
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 7.4.1 Digital Functions
        1.  Numerically Controlled Oscillators (NCOs) and Mixers
        2.  Decimation Filter
          1. Stage-1 Filter
          2. Stage-2 Filter
        3.  Mode 0: Decimate-by-4 With IQ Outputs and fS / 4 Mixer
        4.  Mode 1: Decimate-by-4 With IQ Outputs and 16-Bit NCO
        5.  Mode 2: Decimate-by-4 With Real Output
        6.  Mode 3: Decimate-by-2 Real Output With Frequency Shift
        7.  Mode 4: Decimate-by-4 With Real Output
        8.  Mode 6: Decimate-by-4 With IQ Outputs for Up to 110 MHz of IQ Bandwidth
        9.  Mode 7: Decimate-by-4 With Real Output and Zero Stuffing
        10. Mode 8: DDC Bypass Mode
        11. Averaging Mode
        12. Overrange Indication
    5. 7.5 Programming
      1. 7.5.1 JESD204B Interface
      2. 7.5.2 JESD204B Initial Lane Alignment (ILA)
      3. 7.5.3 JESD204B Frame Assembly
      4. 7.5.4 JESD Output Switch
        1. SerDes Transmitter Interface
        2. SYNCb Interface
        3. Eye Diagram
      5. 7.5.5 Device Configuration
        1. Details of the Serial Interface
          1. Register Initialization
        2. Serial Register Write
        3. Serial Read
    6. 7.6 Register Maps
      1. 7.6.1 Register Map
        1. Register Description
          1. GLOBAL Page Register Description
            1. Register 00h (address = 00h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page
            2. Register 04h (address = 04h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page
            3. Register 11h (address = 11h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page
            4. Register 12h (address = 12h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page
            5. Register 13h (address = 13h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page
          2. DIGTOP Page Register Description
            1.  Register 64h (address = 64h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            2.  Register 8Dh (address = 8Dh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            3.  Register 8Eh (address = 8Eh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            4.  Register 8Fh (address = 8Fh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            5.  Register 90h (address = 90h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            6.  Register 91h (address = 91h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            7.  Register A5h (address = A5h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            8.  Register A6h (address = A6h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            9.  Register ABh (address = ABh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            10. Register ACh (address = ACh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            11. Register ADh (address = ADh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            12. Register AEh (address = AEh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            13. Register B7h (address = B7h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
            14. Register 8Ch (address = 8Ch) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page
          3. ANALOG Page Register Description
            1.  Register 6Ah (address = 6Ah) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            2.  Register 6Fh (address = 6Fh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            3.  Register 71h (address = 71h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            4.  Register 72h (address = 72h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            5.  Register 93h (address = 93h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            6.  Register 94h (address = 94h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            7.  Register 9Bh (address = 9Bh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            8.  Register 9Dh (address = 9Dh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            9.  Register 9Eh (address = 9Eh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            10. Register 9Fh (address = 9Fh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
            11. Register AFh (address = AFh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page
          4. SERDES_XX Page Register Description
            1.  Register 20h (address = 20h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            2.  Register 21h (address = 21h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            3.  Register 22h (address = 22h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            4.  Register 23h (address = 23h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            5.  Register 25h (address = 25h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            6.  Register 26h (address = 26h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            7.  Register 28h (address = 28h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            8.  Register 2Dh (address = 2Dh) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            9.  Register 36h (address = 36h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            10. Register 41h (address = 41h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
            11. Register 42h (address = 42h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page
          5. CHX Page Register Description
            1. Register 26h (address = 26h) [reset = 0h], CHX Page
            2. Register 27h (address = 27h) [reset = 0h], CHX Page
            3. Register 2Dh (address = 2Dh) [reset = 0h], CHX Page
            4. Register 78h (address = 78h) [reset = 0h], CHX Page
            5. Register 7Ah (address = 7Ah) [reset = 0h], CHX Page
            6. Register 7Bh (address = 7Bh) [reset = 0h], CHX Page
            7. Register 7Eh (address = 7Eh) [reset = 3h], CHX Page
          6. ADCXX Page Register Description
            1. Register 07h (address = 07h) [reset = FFh], ADCXX Page
            2. Register 08h (address = 08h) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page
            3. Register D5h (address = D5h) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page
            4. Register 2Ah (address = 2Ah) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page
            5. Register CFh (address = CFh) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
      1. 8.1.1 Start-Up Sequence
      2. 8.1.2 Hardware Reset
      3. 8.1.3 Frequency Planning
      4. 8.1.4 SNR and Clock Jitter
      5. 8.1.5 ADC Test Pattern
        1. ADC Section
        2. Transport Layer Pattern
        3. Link Layer Pattern
    2. 8.2 Typical Application
      1. 8.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
      3. 8.2.3 Application Curves
  9. Power Supply Recommendations
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 10.2 Layout Example
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    2. 11.2 Community Resources
    3. 11.3 Trademarks
    4. 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    5. 11.5 Glossary
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Detailed Description


The ADS54J64 is a quad-channel device with a complex digital down-converter (DDC) and digital decimation to allow flexible signal processing to suit different usage cases. Each channel is composed of two interleaved analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) sampling at half the input clock rate. The 2x interleaved data are decimated by 2 to provide a processing gain of 3 dB. The decimation filter has a programmable option to be configured as low pass (default) or high pass. In default mode, the device operates in DDC mode 0, where the input is mixed with a constant frequency of –fS / 4 and transmitted as complex IQ. In DDC bypass mode (mode 8), the DDC is bypassed and the 2x decimated data are available on the JESD output. The different operational modes of the ADS54J64 are listed in Table 1.

The ADS54J64 can also be operated in a dual-channel interleaved mode (dual mode), in which two channels are averaged and the 2x interleaved and averaged data are available directly at the JESD output.

Functional Block Diagram

ADS54J64 bd_bas841.gif

Feature Description

Analog Inputs

The ADS54J64 analog signal inputs are designed to be driven differentially. The analog input pins have internal analog buffers that drive the sampling circuit. As a result of the analog buffer, the input pins present a high-impedance input across a very wide frequency range to the external driving source that enables great flexibility in the external analog filter design as well as excellent 50-Ω matching for RF applications. The buffer also helps isolate the external driving circuit from the internal switching currents of the sampling circuit, resulting in a more constant SFDR performance across input frequencies. The common-mode voltage of the signal inputs is internally biased to 1.3 V using 2-kΩ resistors to allow for ac-coupling of the input drive network. Each input pin (INP, INM) must swing symmetrically between (VCM + 0.275 V) and (VCM – 0.275 V), resulting in a 1.1-VPP (default) differential input swing. The input sampling circuit has a 3-dB bandwidth that extends up to 1000 MHz.

Recommended Input Circuit

In order to achieve optimum ac performance, the following circuitry (shown in Figure 46) is recommended at the analog inputs.

ADS54J64 recomm_input_circ_bas807.gif Figure 46. Analog Input Driving Circuit

Clock Input

The clock inputs of the ADS54J64 supports LVDS and LVPECL standards. The CLKP, CLKM inputs have an internal termination of 100 Ω. The clock inputs must be ac-coupled, as shown in Figure 47 and Figure 48, because the input pins are self-biased to a common-mode voltage of 0.7 V.

ADS54J64 ai_lvpecl_drive_bas841.gif Figure 47. LVPECL Clock Driving Circuit
ADS54J64 ai_lvds_drive_bas841.gif Figure 48. LVDS Clock Driving Circuit

Device Functional Modes

Digital Functions

Figure 49 shows the various operational modes available in the ADS54J64. In quad mode, the maximum output rate is half the sampling rate. The 2x interleaved data are filtered using a half-band filter (HBF) that can be configured as a low-pass or high-pass filter using register writes. In dual mode, the device can be operated at a full sampling rate with 2x interleaving and averaging of two channels.

Quad mode supports a maximum complex and a real bandwidth of 200 MHz. The HBF output can be brought directly on the JESD lines at half rate. The complex data are obtained through a digital down-converter (DDC) that is comprised of a 16-bit numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) and a 100-MHz or 200-MHz filter. The DDC also has a real output mode where the data are decimated by 2 and mixed to fOUT / 4 to support a bandwidth of 100 MHz. In addition to the DDC modes, the HBF output can be decimated by 2 to obtain an overall decimation by 4 on the 2x interleaved data.

Dual mode supports a maximum sampling rate of 1 GSPS. The 2x interleaved data from channel A and channel B (and likewise channels C and D) can be averaged and given on the JESD lanes.

Table 1 lists all modes of operation with the maximum bandwidth provided at a sample rate of 491.52 MSPS and 368.64 MSPS.

ADS54J64 BD_Chnl_oprtng_Mde_sbas841.gif
1-GSPS data are transmitted using two JESD lanes.
Figure 49. ADS54J64 Channel Operating Modes

Table 1. ADS54J64 Operating Modes

491.52 MSPS
0 Decimation 2 ±fS / 4 2 200 MHz 150 MHz Complex 250 MSPS
1 2 16-bit NCO 2 200 MHz 150 MHz Complex 250 MSPS
2 2 2 100 MHz (LP, LP or HP, HP),
75 MHz (HP, LP or LP, HP)
75 MHz,
56.25 MHz
Real 250 MSPS
3 2 16-bit NCO Bypass 200 MHz 150 MHz fOUT / 4 Real 500 MSPS
4 2 16-bit NCO 2 100 MHz 75 MHz fOUT / 4 Real 250 MSPS
5 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
6 2 16-bit NCO 4 100 MHz 75 MHz Complex 125 MSPS
7 2 16-bit NCO 2 100 MHz 75 MHz fOUT / 4 Real with zero insertion 500 MSPS
8 DDC bypass mode 2 223 MHz 167 MHz Real 500 MSPS
8 Dual ADC mode 1000 MSPS

Numerically Controlled Oscillators (NCOs) and Mixers

The ADS54J64 is equipped with a complex numerically-controlled oscillator. The oscillator generates a complex exponential sequence: x[n] = ejωn. The frequency (ω) is specified by the 16-bit register setting. The complex exponential sequence is multiplied by the real input from the ADC to mix the desired carrier down to 0 Hz.

The NCO frequency setting is set by the 16-bit register value, NCO_FREQ[n]:

Equation 1. ADS54J64 eq_fnco_sbas807.gif

Decimation Filter

The ADS54J64 has two decimation filters (decimate-by-2) in the data path. The first stage of the decimation filter is non-programmable and is used in all functional modes. The second stage of decimation, available in DDC mode 2 and 6, can be used to obtain noise and linearity improvement for low bandwidth applications.

Stage-1 Filter

The first-stage filter is used for decimation of the 2x interleaved data from fCLK to fCLK / 2. Figure 50 and Figure 51 show the frequency response and pass-band ripple of the first-stage decimation filter, respectively.

ADS54J64 D042_SBAS807.gif
Input clock rate = 1 GHz
Figure 50. Decimation Filter Response vs Frequency
ADS54J64 D043_SBAS807.gif
Input clock rate = 1 GHz
Figure 51. Decimation Filter Pass-Band Ripple vs Frequency

Stage-2 Filter

The second-stage filter is used for decimating the data from a sample rate of fCLK / 2 to fCLK / 4. Figure 52 and Figure 53 show the frequency response and pass-band ripple of the second-stage filter, respectively.

ADS54J64 D044_SBAS807.gif
Input clock rate (fCLK) = 1 GHz
Figure 52. Decimation Filter Response vs Frequency
ADS54J64 D045_SBAS807.gif
Input clock rate (fCLK) = 1 GHz
Figure 53. Decimation Filter Pass-Band Ripple vs Frequency

Mode 0: Decimate-by-4 With IQ Outputs and fS / 4 Mixer

In mode 0, the DDC block includes a fixed frequency ±fS / 4 complex digital mixer preceding the second-stage decimation filters. Figure 54 shows that the IQ pass band is approximately ±100 MHz centered at fS / 8 or 3fS / 8.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_0_sbas807.gif Figure 54. Operating Mode 0

Mode 1: Decimate-by-4 With IQ Outputs and 16-Bit NCO

In mode 1, the DDC block includes a 16-bit frequency resolution complex digital mixer, as shown in Figure 55, preceding the second-stage decimation filters.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_1_sbas807.gif Figure 55. Operating Mode 1

Mode 2: Decimate-by-4 With Real Output

In mode 2, the DDC block cascades two decimate-by-2 filters. Each filter can be configured as low pass (LP) or high pass (HP), as shown in Table 2, to allow down conversion of different frequency ranges. Figure 56 shows that the LP, HP and HP, LP output spectra are inverted.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_2_sbas807.gif Figure 56. Operating in Mode 2

Table 2. ADS54J64 Operating Mode 2, Down-Converted Frequency Ranges

LP LP 0 MHz–100 MHz 100 MHz 0 MHz–75 MHz 75 MHz
LP HP 150 MHz–223 MHz 73 MHz 112.5 MHz–167.25 MHz 54.75 MHz
HP LP 268.52 MHz–341.52 MHz 73 MHz 201.39 MHz–256.14 MHz 54.75 MHz
HP HP 391.52 MHz–491.52 MHz 100 MHz 293.64 MHz–368.64 MHz 75 MHz

Mode 3: Decimate-by-2 Real Output With Frequency Shift

In mode 3, the DDC block includes a 16-bit complex NCO digital mixer followed by a fS / 4 mixer with a real output to center the band at fS / 4. As shown in Figure 57, the NCO must be set to a value different from ±fS / 4, or else the samples are zeroed.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_3_sbas807.gif Figure 57. Operating Mode 3

Mode 4: Decimate-by-4 With Real Output

In mode 4, the DDC block includes a 16-bit complex NCO digital mixer preceding the second-stage decimation filter. As shown in Figure 58, the signal is then mixed with fOUT / 4 to generate a real output. The bandwidth available in this mode is 100 MHz.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_4_sbas807.gif Figure 58. Operating Mode 4

Mode 6: Decimate-by-4 With IQ Outputs for Up to 110 MHz of IQ Bandwidth

In mode 6, the DDC block shown in Figure 59 includes a 16-bit complex NCO digital mixer preceding a second-stage filter with a decimate-by-4 complex, generating a complex output at fS / 8.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_6_sbas807.gif Figure 59. Operating Mode 6

Mode 7: Decimate-by-4 With Real Output and Zero Stuffing

In mode 7, the DDC block includes a 16-bit complex NCO digital mixer preceding the second-stage decimation filter. The signal is then mixed with fOUT / 4, as shown in Figure 60, to generate a real output that is then doubled in sample rate by zero-stuffing every other sample. The bandwidth available in this mode is 100 MHz.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_7_sbas807.gif Figure 60. Operating Mode 7

Mode 8: DDC Bypass Mode

In mode 8, the DDC block is bypassed as shown in Figure 61 and the 2x decimated data are available on the JESD output. The decimation filter can be configured to be high pass or low pass using an SPI register bit. The stop-band attenuation is approximately 40 dB and the available bandwidth is 225 MHz. The decimation filter response is illustrated in Figure 50 and Figure 51.

ADS54J64 Oprtng_Mde_8_sbas841.gif Figure 61. Operating Mode 8

Averaging Mode

In dual ADC mode, two channels (channels A, B and C, D) are averaged and given out as a single output. As a result, the device operates in a dual-channel mode with 2x interleaved sample rate. For a 1-GSPS input clock, the averaged output at 1 GSPS is available on two JESD lanes, each operating at 10 Gbps. Figure 62 shows the device supporting an averaging of channels A and B. An identical averaging path is available for channels C and D. Configure the device in mode 8 before enabling dual ADC mode through SPI register writes.

ADS54J64 Avg_Mde_ab_sbas841.gif Figure 62. Averaging Mode for Channels A and B (C and D Averaging is Identical)

Overrange Indication

The ADS54J64 provides a fast overrange indication that can be presented in the digital output data stream via SPI configuration. When the FOVR indication is embedded in the output data stream as shown in Figure 63, this indication replaces the LSB (D0) of the 16 bits going to the 8b, 10b encode.

ADS54J64 OVR_Indctr_sbas807.gif Figure 63. FOVR Timing Diagram

The fast overrange feature of the ADS54J64 is configured using an upper (FOVR Hi) and a lower (FOVR Lo) 8-bit threshold that are compared against the partial ADC output of the initial pipeline stages. Figure 64 shows the FOVR high and FOVR low thresholds.

The two thresholds are configured via the SPI register where a setting of 136 maps to the maximum ADC code for a high FOVR, and a setting of 8 maps to the minimum ADC code for a low FOVR.

ADS54J64 Fvr_l_H_Thrshld_sbas807.gif Figure 64. FOVR High and FOVR Low Thresholds

Equation 2 calculates the FOVR threshold from a full-scale input based on the ADC code:

Equation 2. ADS54J64 eq_fovr_sbas764.gif

Therefore, a threshold of –0.5 dBFS from full-scale can be set with:

  • FOVR high = 132 (27h, 84h)
  • FOVR low = 12 (28h, 0Ch)


JESD204B Interface

The ADS54J64 supports device subclass 1 with a maximum output data rate of 10 Gbps for each serial transmitter.

Figure 65 shows that an external SYSREF signal is used to align all internal clock phases and the local multi-frame clock to a specific sampling clock edge. A common SYSREF signal allows synchronization of multiple devices in a system and minimizes timing and alignment uncertainty. The ADS54J64 supports single (for all four JESD links) or dual (for channels A, B and C, D) SYNCb inputs and can be configured via the SPI.

ADS54J64 JESD_trsmttr_blk_sbas807.gif Figure 65. JESD204B Transmitter Block

Depending on the ADC sampling rate, the JESD204B output interface can be operated with one lane per channel. The JESD204B setup and configuration of the frame assembly parameters is handled via the SPI interface.

The JESD204B transmitter block shown in Figure 66 consists of the transport layer, the data scrambler, and the link layer. The transport layer maps the ADC output data into the selected JESD204B frame data format and manages if the ADC output data or test patterns are being transmitted. The link layer performs the 8b, 10b data encoding as well as the synchronization and initial lane alignment using the SYNC input signal. Optionally, data from the transport layer can be scrambled.

ADS54J64 jesd204b_bd_sbas807.gif Figure 66. JESD Interface Block Diagram

JESD204B Initial Lane Alignment (ILA)

The initial lane alignment process is started by the receiving device by deasserting the SYNCb signal. When a logic low is detected on the SYNC input pins, as shown in Figure 67, the ADS54J64 starts transmitting comma (K28.5) characters to establish code group synchronization.

When synchronization is complete, the receiving device reasserts the SYNCb signal and the ADS54J64 starts the initial lane alignment sequence with the next local multi-frame clock boundary. The ADS54J64 transmits four multi-frames, each containing K frames (K is SPI programmable). Each of the multi-frames contains the frame start and end symbols and the second multi-frame also contains the JESD204 link configuration data.

ADS54J64 jesd204b_initial_lane_align_bas717.gif Figure 67. ILA Sequence

JESD204B Frame Assembly

The JESD204B standard defines the following parameters:

  • L is the number of lanes per link
  • M is the number of converters per device
  • F is the number of octets per frame clock period
  • S is the number of samples per frame

Table 3 lists the available JESD204B formats and valid ranges for the ADS54J64. The ranges are limited by the SerDes line rate and the maximum ADC sample frequency.

Table 3. Available JESD204B Formats and Valid Ranges for the ADS54J64

MAX fSerDes
4 8 4 1 0, 1 2x decimation Complex 250 10.0
4 4 2 1 2, 4 2x decimation Real 250 5.0 CTRL_SER_MODE = 1,
SerDes_MODE = 1
2 4 4 1 2, 4 2x decimation Real 250 10.0
4 8 4 1 6 4x decimation Complex 125 5.0
2 8 8 1 6 4x decimation Complex 125 10.0 CTRL_SER_MODE = 1,
SerDes_MODE = 3
4 4 2 1 7 2x decimation with 0-pad Real 500 10.0
4 4 2 1 3, 8 DDC bypass Real 500 10.0
4 2 1 1 8 DDC bypass dual ADC Real 1000 10.0

Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 show the detailed frame assembly for various LMFS settings.

Table 4. Detailed Frame Assembly for Four-Lane Modes (Modes 0, 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8)

OUTPUT LANE LMFS = 4841 LMFS = 4421 LMFS = 4421
DA AI0[15:8] AI0[7:0] AQ0[15:8] AQ0[7:0] A0[15:8] A0[7:0] A1[15:8] A1[7:0] A0[15:8] A0[7:0] 0000 0000 0000 0000
DB BI0[15:8] BI0[7:0] BQ0[15:8] BQ0[7:0] B0[15:8] B0[7:0] B1[15:8] B1[7:0] B0[15:8] B0[7:0] 0000 0000 0000 0000
DC CI0[15:8] CI0[7:0] CQ0[15:8] CQ0[7:0] C0[15:8] C0[7:0] C1[15:8] C1[7:0] C0[15:8] C0[7:0] 0000 0000 0000 0000
DD DI0[15:8] DI0[7:0] DQ0[15:8] DQ0[7:0] D0[15:8] D0[7:0] D1[15:8] D1[7:0] D0[15:8] D0[7:0] 0000 0000 0000 0000

Table 5. Detailed Frame Assembly for Two-Lane Modes (Modes 2 and 4)

DB A0[15:8] A0[7:0] B0[15:8] B0[7:0] AI0[15:8] AI0[7:0] AQ0[15:8] AQ0[7:0] BI0[15:8] BI0[7:0] BQ0[15:8] BQ0[7:0]
DC C0[15:8] C0[7:0] D0[15:8] D0[7:0] CI0[15:8] CI0[7:0] CQ0[15:8] CQ0[7:0] DI0[15:8] DI0[7:0] DQ0[15:8] DQ0[7:0]

Table 6. Detailed Frame Assembly for Four-Lane Mode (2x Interleaved Dual ADC)

DA AB(1)0[15:8] AB1[15:8] AB2[15:8] AB3[15:8]
DB AB0[7:0] AB1[7:0] AB2[7:0] AB3[7:0]
DC CD(2)0[15:8] CD1[15:8] CD2[15:8] CD3[15:8]
DD CD0[7:0] CD1[7:0] CD2[7:0] CD3[7:0]
AB corresponds to the average output of channel A and channel B.
CD corresponds to the average output of channel C and channel D.

JESD Output Switch

To ease layout constraints, the ADS54J64 provides a digital cross-point switch in the JESD204B block (as shown in Figure 68) that allows internal routing of any output of the two ADCs within one channel pair to any of the two JESD204B serial transmitters. The cross-point switch routing is configured via the SPI (address 41h in the SERDES_XX digital page).

ADS54J64 jesd_output_switch_bes717.gif Figure 68. Switching the Output Lanes

SerDes Transmitter Interface

As shown in Figure 69, each 10-Gbps SerDes transmitter output requires ac-coupling between the transmitter and receiver. Terminate the differential pair with 100 Ω as close to the receiving device as possible to avoid unwanted reflections and signal degradation.

ADS54J64 cml_serdes_trans_interf_bas717.gif Figure 69. SerDes Transmitter Connection to Receiver

SYNCb Interface

The ADS54J64 supports single SYNCb control (where the SYNCb input controls all four JESD204B links) or dual SYNCb control (where one SYNCb input controls two JESD204B lanes: DA, DB and DC, DD). When using the single SYNCb control, connect the unused input to a differential logic high (SYNCbxxP = DVDD, SYNCbxxM = 0 V).

Eye Diagram

Figure 70 to Figure 73 show the serial output eye diagrams of the ADS54J64 at 7.5 Gbps and 10 Gbps with default and increased output voltage swing against the JESD204B mask.

ADS54J64 eye_dgm1_sbas807.gif Figure 70. Eye at 10-Gbps Bit Rate With
Default Output Swing
ADS54J64 eye_dgm3_sbas807.gif Figure 72. Eye at 10-Gbps Bit Rate With
Increased Output Swing
ADS54J64 eye_dgm2_sbas807.gif Figure 71. Eye at 7.5-Gbps Bit Rate With
Default Output Swing
ADS54J64 eye_dgm4_sbas807.gif Figure 73. Eye at 7.5-Gbps Bit Rate With
Increased Output Swing

Device Configuration

The ADS54J64 can be configured using a serial programming interface, as described in the Register Maps section. In addition, the device has one dedicated parallel pin (PDN) for controlling the power-down modes. The ADS54J64 supports a 24-bit (16-bit address, 8-bit data) SPI operation and uses paging to access all register bits.

Details of the Serial Interface

The ADC has a set of internal registers that can be accessed by the serial interface formed by the SEN (serial interface enable), SCLK (serial interface clock), SDIN (serial data input data), and SDOUT (serial data output) pins. Serially shifting bits into the device is enabled when SEN is low. SDIN serial data are latched at every SCLK rising edge when SEN is active (low). Data can be loaded in multiples of 24-bit words within a single active SEN pulse. The first 16 bits form the register address and the remaining eight bits are the register data. The interface can work with SCLK frequencies from 10 MHz down to very low speeds (of a few hertz) and also with a non-50% SCLK duty cycle.

Register Initialization

After power-up, the internal registers must be initialized to the default values. This initialization can be accomplished in one hardware reset by applying a high pulse on the RESET pin.

Serial Register Write

The internal registers of the ADS54J64 can be programmed (as shown in Figure 74) by:

  1. Driving the SEN pin low
  2. Setting the R/W bit = 0
  3. Initiating a serial interface cycle specifying the address of the register (A[14:0]) whose content must be written
  4. Writing the 8-bit data that is latched in on the SCLK rising edge

The ADS54J64 has several different register pages (page selection in address 11h, 12h). Specify the register page before writing to the desired address. The register page only must be set one time for continuous writes to the same page.

During the write operation, the SDOUT pin is in a high-impedance mode and must float.

ADS54J64 serial_regstr_write_sbas807.gif Figure 74. Serial Interface Write Timing Diagram

Serial Read

Figure 75 shows a typical 4-wire serial register readout. In the default 4-pin configuration, the SDIN pin is the data output from the ADS54J64 during the data transfer cycle when SDOUT is in a high-impedance state. The internal registers of the ADS54J64 can be read out by:

  1. Driving the SEN pin low
  2. Setting the R/W bit to 1 to enable read back
  3. Specifying the address of the register (A[14:0]) whose content must be read back
  4. The device outputs the contents (D[7:0]) of the selected register on the SDOUT pin (pin 51)
  5. The external controller can latch the contents at the SCLK rising edge
ADS54J64 serial_regstr_read_back_sbas807.gif Figure 75. Serial Interface 4-Wire Read Timing Diagram

Register Maps

Register Map

The ADS54J64 registers are organized on different pages depending on their internal functions. The pages are accessed by selecting the page in the master pages 11h–13h. The page selection must only be written one time for a continuous update of registers for that page.

There are six different SPI banks (see Figure 76 and Table 7) that group together different functions:

  • GLOBAL: contains controls for accessing other SPI banks
  • DIGTOP: top-level digital functions
  • ANALOG: registers controlling power-down and analog functions
  • SERDES_XX: registers controlling JESD204B functions
  • CHX: registers controlling channel-specific functions, including DDC
  • ADCXX: register page for one of the eight interleaved ADCs

ADS54J64 spi_banks_sbas807.gif Figure 76. SPI Register Block Diagram

Table 7. Serial Interface Register Map

ADDRESS (Hex) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
00h WRITE_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW_RESET
13h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_ANALOG
64h 0 0 0 0 0 0 FS_375_500 0
A5h 0 0 0 0 0 0 CH_CD_AVG_EN CH_AB_AVG_EN
B7h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOAD_TRIMS
8Ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENABLE_LOAD_TRIMS 0
6Ah 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIS_SYSREF 0
6Fh 0 JESD_SWING 0 0 0 0
72h 0 0 0 0 EMP_LANE_B[3:0]
94h 0 0 0 0 EMP_LANE_D[3:0]
9Bh 0 0 0 SYSREF_PDN 0 0 0 0
9Fh 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIN_PDN_MODE FAST_PDN
AFh 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDN_SYNCCD 0
25h SCR_EN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28h 0 0 0 0 CTRL_LID 0 0 0
36h PRBS_MODE 0 0 0 0 0 0
26h 0 0 0 0 0 0 GAINWORD
2Dh 0 0 0 0 0 0 NYQUIST_SELECT 0
78h 0 0 0 0 0 FS4_SIGN NYQ_SEL_MODE02 NYQ_SEL
7Ah NCO_WORD[15:8]
7Bh NCO_WORD[7:0]
D5h 0 0 0 0 CAL_EN 0 0 0
2Ah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC_TRIM1
CFh ADC_TRIM2 0 0 0 0

Register Description

Table 8 lists the access codes for the ADS54J64 registers.

Table 8. ADS54J64 Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
R R Read
R/W R-W Read or Write
W W Write
-n Value after reset or the default value

GLOBAL Page Register Description

Register 00h (address = 00h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page

Figure 77. Register 0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
WRITE_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW_RESET
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 9. Register 00h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 WRITE_1 R/W 0h Always write 1
6-1 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
0 SW_RESET R/W 0h This bit rests the device.

Register 04h (address = 04h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page

Figure 78. Register 4h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 10. Register 04h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 VERSION_ID R 0h These bits set the version ID of the device.
16 : PG 1.0
32 : PG 2.0
48 : PG 3.0

Register 11h (address = 11h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page

Figure 79. Register 11h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 11. Register 11h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 SPI_D2 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC D2 SPI.
0 : ADC D2 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC D2 SPI is enabled
6 SPI_D1 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC D1 SPI.
0 : ADC D1 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC D1 SPI is enabled
5 SPI_C2 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC C2 SPI
0 : ADC C2 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC C2 SPI is enabled
4 SPI_C1 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC C1 SPI.
0 : ADC C1 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC C1 SPI is enabled
3 SPI_B2 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC B2 SPI.
0 : ADC B2 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC B2 SPI is enabled
2 SPI_B1 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC B1 SPI.
0 : ADC B1 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC B1 SPI is enabled
1 SPI_A2 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC A2 SPI.
0 : ADC A2 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC A2 SPI is enabled
0 SPI_A1 R/W 0h This bit selects the ADC A1 SPI.
0 : ADC A1 SPI is disabled
1 : ADC A1 SPI is enabled

Register 12h (address = 12h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page

Figure 80. Register 12h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 12. Register 12h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
6 SPI_SERDES_CD R/W 0h This bit selects the channel CD SerDes SPI.
0 : Channel CD SerDes SPI is disabled
1 : Channel CD SerDes SPI is enabled
5 SPI_SERDES_AB R/W 0h This bit selects the channel AB SerDes SPI.
0 : Channel AB SerDes is disabled
1 : Channel AB SerDes is enabled
4 SPI_CHD R/W 0h This bit selects the channel D SPI.
0 : Channel D SPI is disabled
1 : Channel D SPI is enabled
3 SPI_CHC R/W 0h This bit selects the channel C SPI.
0 : Channel C SPI is disabled
1 : Channel C SPI is enabled
2 SPI_CHB R/W 0h This bit selects the channel B SPI.
0 : Channel B SPI is disabled
1 : Channel B SPI is enabled
1 SPI_CHA R/W 0h This bit selects the channel A SPI.
0 : Channel A SPI is disabled
1 : Channel A SPI is enabled
0 SPI_DIGTOP R/W 0h This bit selects the DIGTOP SPI.
0 : DIGTOP SPI is disabled
1 : DIGTOP SPI is enabled

Register 13h (address = 13h) [reset = 0h], GLOBAL Page

Figure 81. Register 13h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_ANALOG
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 13. Register 13h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-1 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
0 SPI_ANALOG R/W 0h This bit selects the analog SPI.
0 : Analog SPI is disabled
1 : Analog SPI is enabled

DIGTOP Page Register Description

Register 64h (address = 64h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 82. Register 64h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 FS_375_500 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 14. Register 64h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 FS_375_500 R/W 0h This bit selects the clock rate for loading trims.
0 : 375 MSPS
1 : 500 MSPS
0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 8Dh (address = 8Dh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 83. Register 8Dh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 15. Register 8Dh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 CUSTOMPATTERN1[7:0] R/W 0h These bits set the custom pattern 1 that is used when the test pattern is enabled and set to a single or dual test pattern.

Register 8Eh (address = 8Eh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 84. Register 8Eh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 16. Register 8Eh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 CUSTOMPATTERN1[15:8] R/W 0h These bits set the custom pattern 1 that is used when the test pattern is enabled and set to a single or dual test pattern.

Register 8Fh (address = 8Fh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 85. Register 8Fh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 17. Register 8Fh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 CUSTOMPATTERN2[7:0] R/W 0h These bits set the custom pattern 2 that is used when the test pattern select is set to dual pattern mode.

Register 90h (address = 90h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 86. Register 90h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 18. Register 90h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 CUSTOMPATTERN2[15:8] R/W 0h These bits set the custom pattern 2 that is used when the test pattern select is set to dual pattern mode.

Register 91h (address = 91h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 87. Register 91h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 19. Register 91h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 TESTPATTERNSELECT R/W 0h These bits select the test pattern on the output when the test pattern is enabled for a suitable channel.
0 : Default
1 : All zeros
2 : All ones
3 : Toggle pattern
4 : Ramp pattern
6 : Custom pattern 1
7 : Toggle between custom pattern 1 and custom pattern 2
8 : Deskew pattern (0xAAAA)
3 TESTPATTERNENCHD R/W 0h This bit enables the channel D test pattern.
0 : Default data on channel D
1 : Enable test pattern on channel D
2 TESTPATTERNENCHC R/W 0h This bit enables the channel C test pattern.
0 : Default data on channel C
1 : Enable test pattern on channel C
1 TESTPATTERNENCHB R/W 0h This bit enables the channel B test pattern.
0 : Default data on channel B
1 : Enable test pattern on channel B
0 TESTPATTERNENCHA R/W 0h This bit enables the channel A test pattern.
0 : Default data on channel A
1 : Enable test pattern on channel A

Register A5h (address = A5h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 88. Register A5h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 CH_CD_AVG_EN CH_AB_AVG_EN
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 20. Register A5h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 CH_CD_AVG_EN R/W 0h 0: Averaging is disabled for channels C, D
1: Averaging is enabled for channels C, D; set AVG_ENABLE in Register A6h (address = A6h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page to 1 if using this option
0 CH_AB_AVG_EN R/W 0h 0: Averaging is disabled for channels A, B
1: Averaging is enabled for channels A, B; set AVG_ENABLE in Register A6h (address = A6h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page to 1 if using this option

Register A6h (address = A6h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 89. Register A6h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 21. Register A6h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
5 AVG_ENABLE R/W 0h 0: Default operation
1: Enable averaging option for the AB and CD channel pairs
4 OVR_ON_LSB R/W 0h This bit enables the overrange indicator (OVR) on the LSB1 and LSB0 bits. OVR_LSB1 and OVR_LSB0 must be configured in register 27h of the CHX page.
0 : Default data
1 : OVR on LSB1 and LSB0 bits
3 GAIN_WORD_ENABLE R/W 0h This bit enables the digital gain. Gain can be programmed using the GAINWORD bits in register 26h of the CHX page.
0 : Disable digital gain
1 : Enable digital gain
2-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register ABh (address = ABh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 90. Register ABh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 22. Register ABh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 INTERLEAVE_A R/W 0h 0: Default operation
1: 2x interleaved data enable; this bit is used in dual ADC mode to bring the average data of channels A and B on the JESD outputs; averaging mode is enabled by setting CH_AB_AVG_EN to 1 (see register A5h)
0 SPECIALMODE0 R/W 0h Always write 1

Register ACh (address = ACh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 91. Register ACh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 23. Register ACh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 INTERLEAVE_C R/W 0h 0: Default operation
1: 2x interleaved data enable; this bit is used in dual ADC mode to bring the average data of channels C and D on the JESD outputs; averaging mode is enabled by setting CH_CD_AVG_EN to 1 (see register A5h)
0 SPECIALMODE1 R/W 0h Always write 1

Register ADh (address = ADh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 92. Register ADh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 24. Register ADh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3-0 DDCMODEAB R/W 0h These bits select the DDC mode for the AB channel pair.
0 : Mode 0
1 : Mode 1
2 : Mode 2
3 : Mode 3
4 : Mode 4
6 : Mode 6
7 : Mode 7
8 : Mode 8

Register AEh (address = AEh) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 93. Register AEh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 25. Register AEh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3-0 DDCMODECD R/W 0h These bits select the DDC mode for the CD channel pair.
0 : Mode 0
1 : Mode 1
2 : Mode 2
3 : Mode 3
4 : Mode 4
6 : Mode 6
7 : Mode 7
8 : Mode 8

Register B7h (address = B7h) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 94. Register B7h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOAD_TRIMS
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 26. Register B7h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-1 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
0 LOAD_TRIMS R/W 0h This bit load trims the device.

Register 8Ch (address = 8Ch) [reset = 0h], DIGTOP Page

Figure 95. Register 8Ch
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 ENABLE_LOAD_TRIMS 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 27. Register 8Ch Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 ENABLE_LOAD_TRIMS R/W 0h 0: Trim loading is disabled
1: Trim loading is enabled (recommended)
0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

ANALOG Page Register Description

Register 6Ah (address = 6Ah) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 96. Register 6Ah
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 DIS_SYSREF 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 28. Register 6Ah Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 DIS_SYSREF R/W 0h This bit masks the SYSREF input.
0 : SYSREF input is not masked
1 : SYSREF input is masked
0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 6Fh (address = 6Fh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 97. Register 6Fh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 JESD_SWING 0 0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 29. Register 6Fh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
6-4 JESD_SWING R/W 0h These bits control the JESD swing.
0 : 860 mVPP
1 : 810 mVPP
2 : 770 mVPP
3 : 745 mVPP
4 : 960 mVPP
5 : 930 mVPP
6 : 905 mVPP
7 : 880 mVPP
3-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 71h (address = 71h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 98. Register 71h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 30. Register 71h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 EMP_LANE_B[5:4] R/W 0h These bits along with bits 3-0 of register 72h set the de-emphasis for lane B.
These bits select the amount of de-emphasis for the JESD output transmitter. The de-emphasis value in decibels (dB) is measured as the ratio between the peak value after the signal transitions to the settled value of the voltage in one bit period.
0 : 0 dB
1 : –1 dB
3 : –2 dB
7 : –4.1 dB
15 : –6.2 dB
31 : –8.2 dB
63 : –11.5 dB
Others: Do not use
5-0 EMP_LANE_A R/W 0h These bits set the de-emphasis for lane A.
These bits select the amount of de-emphasis for the JESD output transmitter. The de-emphasis value in dB is measured as the ratio between the peak value after the signal transitions to the settled value of the voltage in one bit period.
0 : 0 dB
1 : –1 dB
3 : –2 dB
7 : –4.1 dB
15 : –6.2 dB
31 : –8.2 dB
63 : –11.5 dB
Others: Do not use

Register 72h (address = 72h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 99. Register 72h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 EMP_LANE_B[3:0]
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 31. Register 72h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3-0 EMP_LANE_B[3:0] R/W 0h These bits along with bits 7-6 of register 71h set the de-emphasis for lane B.
These bits select the amount of de-emphasis for the JESD output transmitter. The de-emphasis value in dB is measured as the ratio between the peak value after the signal transitions to the settled value of the voltage in one bit period.
0 : 0 dB
1 : –1 dB
3 : –2 dB
7 : –4.1 dB
15 : –6.2 dB
31 : –8.2 dB
63 : –11.5 dB
Others: Do not use

Register 93h (address = 93h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 100. Register 93h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 32. Register 93h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 EMP_LANE_D[5:4] R/W 0h These bits along with bits 3-0 of register 94h set the de-emphasis for lane D.
These bits select the amount of de-emphasis for the JESD output transmitter. The de-emphasis value in dB is measured as the ratio between the peak value after the signal transitions to the settled value of the voltage in one bit period.
0 : 0 dB
1 : –1 dB
3 : –2 dB
7 : –4.1 dB
15 : –6.2 dB
31 : –8.2 dB
63 : –11.5 dB
Others: Do not use
5-0 EMP_LANE_C R/W 0h These bits set the de-emphasis for lane C.
These bits select the amount of de-emphasis for the JESD output transmitter. The de-emphasis value in dB is measured as the ratio between the peak value after the signal transitions to the settled value of the voltage in one bit period.
0 : 0 dB
1 : –1 dB
3 : –2 dB
7 : –4.1 dB
15 : –6.2 dB
31 : –8.2 dB
63 : –11.5 dB
Others: Do not use

Register 94h (address = 94h) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 101. Register 94h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 EMP_LANE_D[3:0]
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 33. Register 94h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3-0 EMP_LANE_D[3:0] R/W 0h These bits along with bits 7-4 of register 93h set the de-emphasis for lane D.
These bits select the amount of de-emphasis for the JESD output transmitter. The de-emphasis value in dB is measured as the ratio between the peak value after the signal transitions to the settled value of the voltage in one bit period.
0 : 0 dB
1 : –1 dB
3 : –2 dB
7 : –4.1 dB
15 : –6.2 dB
31 : –8.2 dB
63 : –11.5 dB
Others: Do not use

Register 9Bh (address = 9Bh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 102. Register 9Bh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 SYSREF_PDN 0 0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 34. Register 9Bh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-5 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
4 SYSREF_PDN R/W 0h This bit powers down the SYSREF buffer.
0 : SYSREF buffer is powered up
1 : SYSREF buffer is powered down
3-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 9Dh (address = 9Dh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 103. Register 9Dh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 35. Register 9Dh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 PDN_CHA R/W 0h This bit powers down channel A.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Channel A is powered down
6 PDN_CHB R/W 0h This bit powers down channel B.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Channel B is powered down
5-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3 PDN_CHD R/W 0h This bit powers down channel D.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Channel D is powered down
2 PDN_CHC R/W 0h This bit powers down channel C.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Channel C is powered down
1-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 9Eh (address = 9Eh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 104. Register 9Eh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 36. Register 9Eh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-5 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
4 PDN_SYNCAB R/W 0h This bit controls the STNCAB buffer power-down.
0 : SYNCAB buffer is powered up
1 : SYNCAB buffer is powered down
3-1 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
0 PDN_GLOBAL R/W 0h This bit controls the global power-down.
0 : Global power-up
1 : Global power-down

Register 9Fh (address = 9Fh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 105. Register 9Fh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 37. Register 9Fh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 PIN_PDN_MODE R/W 0h This bit selects the pin power-down mode.
0 : PDN pin is configured to fast power-down
1 : PDN pin is configured to global power-down
0 FAST_PDN R/W 0h This bit controls the fast power-down.
0 : Device powered up
1 : Fast power down

Register AFh (address = AFh) [reset = 0h], ANALOG Page

Figure 106. Register AFh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 PDN_SYNCCD 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 38. Register AFh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 PDN_SYNCCD R/W 0h This bit controls the SYNCCD buffer power-down.
0 : SYNCCD buffer is powered up
1 : SYNCCD buffer is powered down
0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

SERDES_XX Page Register Description

Register 20h (address = 20h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 107. Register 20h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 39. Register 20h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 CTRL_K R/W 0h This bit is the enable bit for programming the number of frames per multi-frame.
0 : Five frames per multi-frame (default)
1 : Frames per multi-frame can be programmed using register 26h
6 CTRL_SER_MODE R/W 0h This bit allows the SERDES_MODE setting in register 21h (bits 1-0) to be changed.
0 : Disabled
1 : Enables SERDES_MODE setting
5 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
4 TRANS_TEST_EN R/W 0h This bit generates the long transport layer test pattern mode, as per section of the JESD204B specification.
0 : Test mode is disabled
1 : Test mode is enabled
3 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
2 LANE_ALIGN R/W 0h This bit inserts the lane-alignment character (K28.3) for the receiver to align to the lane boundary, as per section of the JESD204B specification.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Inserts lane-alignment characters
1 FRAME_ALIGN R/W 0h This bit inserts the frame-alignment character (K28.7) for the receiver to align to the lane boundary, as per section of the JESD204B specification.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Inserts frame-alignment characters
0 TX_ILA_DIS R/W 0h This bit disables sending the initial link alignment (ILA) sequence when SYNC is deasserted.
0 = Normal operation
1 = Disables ILA

Register 21h (address = 21h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 108. Register 21h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 40. Register 21h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 SYNC_REQ R/W 0h This bit controls the SYNC register (bit 6 must be enabled).
0 : Normal operation
1 : ADC output data are replaced with K28.5 characters
6 OPT_SYNC_REQ R/W 0h This bit enables SYNC operation.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Enables SYNC from the SYNC_REQ register bit
5 SYNCB_SEL_AB_CD R/W 0h This bit selects which SYNCb input controls the JESD interface.
0 : Use the SYNCbAB, SYNCbCD pins
1 : When set in the SerDes AB SPI, SYNCbCD is used for the SerDes AB and CD; when set in the SerDes CD SPI, SYNCbAB is used for the SerDes AB and CD
4-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1-0 SerDes_MODE R/W 0h These bits set the JESD output parameters. The CTRL_SER_MODE bit (register 20h, bit 6) must also be set to control these bits. These bits are auto configured for modes 0, 1, 3, and 7, but must be configured for modes 2, 4, and 6.

Register 22h (address = 22h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 109. Register 22h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 41. Register 22h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-5 LINK_LAYER_TESTMODE_SEL R/W 0h These bits generate a pattern as per section of the JESD204B document.
0 : Normal ADC data
1 : D21.5 (high-frequency jitter pattern)
2 : K28.5 (mixed-frequency jitter pattern)
3 : Repeat the initial lane alignment (generates a K28.5 character and continuously repeats lane alignment sequences)
4 : 12-octet RPAT jitter pattern
6 : PRBS pattern (PRBS7, 15, 23, 31); use PRBS_MODE (register 36h, bits 7-6) to select the PRBS pattern
4 RPAT_SET_DISP R/W 0h This bit changes the running disparity in the modified RPAT pattern test mode (only when the link layer test mode = 100).
0 : Normal operation
1 : Changes disparity
3 LMFC_MASK_RESET R/W 0h 0 : Default
1 : Resets the LMFC mask
2-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 23h (address = 23h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 110. Register 23h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 42. Register 23h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 FORCE_LMFC_COUNT R/W 0h This bit forces an LMFC count.
0 : Normal operation
1 : Enables using a different starting value for the LMFC counter
6-2 LMFC_CNT_INIT R/W 0h These bits set the initial value to which the LMFC count resets. The FORCE_LMFC_COUNT register bit must be enabled.
1-0 RELEASE_ILANE_REQ R/W 0h These bits delay the generation of the lane alignment sequence by 0, 1, 2, or 3 multi-frames after the code group synchronization.
0 : 0 multi-frames
1 : 1 multi-frame
2 : 2 multi-frames
3 : 3 multi-frames

Register 25h (address = 25h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 111. Register 25h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SCR_EN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 43. Register 25h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 SCR_EN R/W 0h This bit is the scramble enable bit in the JESD204B interface.
0 : Scrambling is disabled
1 : Scrambling is enabled
6-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 26h (address = 26h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 112. Register 26h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 44. Register 26h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-5 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
4-0 K_NO_OF_FRAMES_PER_MULTIFRAME R/W 0h These bits set the number of frames per multi-frame.
The K value used is set value + 1 (for example, if the set value is 0xF, then K = 16).

Register 28h (address = 28h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 113. Register 28h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 CTRL_LID 0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 45. Register 28h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3 CTRL_LID R/W 0h This bit is the enable bit to program the lane ID (LID).
0 : Default LID
1 : Enable LID programming
2-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 2Dh (address = 2Dh) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 114. Register 2Dh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 46. Register 2Dh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 LID1 R/W 0h Lane ID for channels A, C. Select SerDes AB for channel A and SerDes CD for channel C.
Valid only when CTRL_LID = 1.
3-0 LID2 R/W 0h Lane ID for channels B, D. Select SerDes AB for channel B and SerDes CD for channel D.

Register 36h (address = 36h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 115. Register 36h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PRBS_MODE 0 0 0 0 0 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 47. Register 36h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 PRBS_MODE R 0h These bits select the PRBS polynomial in the PRBS pattern mode.
0 : PRBS7
1 : PRBS15
2 : PRBS23
3 : PRBS31
5-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 41h (address = 41h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 116. Register 41h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 48. Register 41h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 LANE_BONA R/W 0h These bits enable lane swap.
0 : Default
10 : For SerDes AB, channel B on lane A; for SerDes CD, channel D on lane C
Others: Do not use
3-0 LANE_AONB R/W 0h These bits enable lane swap.
0 : Default
10 : For SerDes AB, channel A on lane B; for SerDes CD, channel C on lane D
Others: Do not use

Register 42h (address = 42h) [reset = 0h], SERDES_XX Page

Figure 117. Register 42h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 49. Register 42h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3-2 INVERT_AC R/W 0h These bits invert lanes A and C.
0 : No inversion
3 : Data inversion on lane A, C
Others: Do not use
1-0 INVERT_BD R/W 0h These bits invert lanes B and D.
0 : No inversion
3 : Data inversion on lane B, D
Others: Do not use

CHX Page Register Description

Register 26h (address = 26h) [reset = 0h], CHX Page

Figure 118. Register 26h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 GAINWORD
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 50. Register 26h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1-0 GAINWORD R/W 0h These bits control the channel A gain word.
0 : 0 dB
1 : 1 dB
2 : 2 dB
3 : 3 dB

Register 27h (address = 27h) [reset = 0h], CHX Page

Figure 119. Register 27h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 51. Register 27h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 OVR_ENABLE R/W 0h This bit enables or disables the OVR on the JESD lanes.
0 : Disables OVR
1 : Enables OVR
6 OVR_FAST_SEL R/W 0h This bit selects the fast or delay-matched OVR.
0 : Delay-matched OVR
1 : Fast OVR
5-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3 OVR_LSB1 R/W 0h This bit selects either data or OVR on LSB1.
0 : Data selected
1 : OVR or FOVR selected
2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 OVR_LSB0 R/W 0h This bit selects either data or OVR on LSB0.
0 : Data selected
1 : OVR or FOVR selected
0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 2Dh (address = 2Dh) [reset = 0h], CHX Page

Figure 120. Register 2Dh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 NYQUIST_SELECT 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 52. Register 2Dh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
1 NYQUIST_SELECT R/W 0h This bit selects the Nyquist zone of operation for trim loading.
0 : Nyquist 1
1 : Nyquist 2
0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 78h (address = 78h) [reset = 0h], CHX Page

Figure 121. Register 78h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 53. Register 78h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-3 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
2 FS4_SIGN R/W 0h This bit controls the sign of mixing in mode 0.
0 : Centered at –fS / 4
1 : Centered at fS / 4
1 NYQ_SEL_MODE02 R/W 0h This bit selects the pass band of the decimation filter in mode 2.
0 : Low pass
1 : High pass
0 NYQ_SEL R/W 0h This bit selects the pass band of the filter before the DDC.
0 : LPF (0 – fS / 2)
1 : HPF (0 – fS / 2)

Register 7Ah (address = 7Ah) [reset = 0h], CHX Page

Figure 122. Register 7Ah
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 54. Register 7Ah Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 NCO_WORD[15:8] R/W 0h These bits set the NCO frequency word.
0 : 0 × fS / 216
1 : 1 × fS / 216
2 : 2 × fS / 216
3 : 3 × fS / 216
5 : 5 × fS / 216
6 : 6 × fS / 216

65535 : 65535 × fS / 216

Register 7Bh (address = 7Bh) [reset = 0h], CHX Page

Figure 123. Register 7Bh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 55. Register 7Bh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 NCO_WORD[7:0] R/W 0h These bits set the NCO frequency word.
0 : 0 × fS / 216
1 : 1 × fS / 216
2 : 2 × fS / 216
3 : 3 × fS / 216
5 : 5 × fS / 216
6 : 6 × fS / 216

65535 : 65535 × fS / 216

Register 7Eh (address = 7Eh) [reset = 3h], CHX Page

Figure 124. Register 7Eh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 56. Register 7Eh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-3 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
2 MODE467_GAIN R/W 0h This bit sets the mixer loss compensation for modes 4, 6, and 7.
0 : No gain
1 : 6-dB gain
1 MODE0_GAIN R/W 1h This bit sets the mixer loss compensation for mode 0.
0 : No gain
1 : 6-dB gain
0 MODE13_GAIN R/W 1h This bit sets the mixer loss compensation for modes 1 and 3.
0 : No gain
1 : 6-dB gain

ADCXX Page Register Description

Register 07h (address = 07h) [reset = FFh], ADCXX Page

Figure 125. Register 7h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 57. Register 07h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 FAST_OVR_THRESHOLD_HIGH R/W FFh Fast OVR threshold high; see the Overrange Indication section for programming.

Register 08h (address = 08h) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page

Figure 126. Register 8h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 58. Register 08h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-0 FAST_OVR_THRESHOLD_LOW R/W 0h Fast OVR threshold low; see the Overrange Indication section for programming.

Register D5h (address = D5h) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page

Figure 127. Register D5h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 CAL_EN 0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 59. Register D5h Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
3 CAL_EN R/W 0h This bit is the enable calibration bit. This bit must be toggled during the startup sequence.
0 : Disables calibration
1 : Enables calibration
2-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0

Register 2Ah (address = 2Ah) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page

Figure 128. Register 2Ah
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC_TRIM1
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 60. Register 2Ah Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-1 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0
0 ADC Trim1 R/W 1h Always write 0

Register CFh (address = CFh) [reset = 0h], ADCXX Page

Figure 129. Register CFh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ADC_TRIM2 0 0 0 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 61. Register CFh Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-4 ADC_TRIM2 R/W 0h Always write 5
3-0 0 R/W 0h Must read or write 0