SBAU466A October   2024  – January 2025 DAC39RF10 , TRF1108


  1.   1
  2.   Description
  3.   Features
  4.   Applications
  5.   5
  6. 1Evaluation Module Overview
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 Kit Contents
    3. 1.3 Specification
    4. 1.4 Device Information
  7. 2Hardware
    1. 2.1 Required Equipment
    2. 2.2 Setup Procedure
      1. 2.2.1  Installing the High Speed Data Converter (HSDC) Pro Software
      2. 2.2.2  Installing the DAC39RF10EVM Configuration GUI Software
      3. 2.2.3  Connect the TRF1108-DAC39RFEVM and TSW14J59EVM
      4. 2.2.4  Connect the Power Supplies to the Boards (Power Off)
      5. 2.2.5  Connect the Spectrum Analyzer to the EVM
      6. 2.2.6  Turn On the TSW14J59EVM Power and Connect to the PC
      7. 2.2.7  Turn On the TRF1108-DAC39RFEVM Power Supplies and Connect to the PC
      8. 2.2.8  Turn On the Signal Generator RF Outputs
      9. 2.2.9  Launch the DAC39RF10EVM GUI and Program the DAC EVM
      10. 2.2.10 Programming the NCO
        1. SPIDAC (NCO only) Operation
      11. 2.2.11 Launch the HSDCpro Software and Load the FPGA Image to the TSW14J59EVM
    3. 2.3 Device Configuration
      1. 2.3.1 Supported JESD204C Device Features
      2. 2.3.2 Tab Organization
      3. 2.3.3 Register Map and Console Control
    4. 2.4 Troubleshooting the TRF1108-DAC39RFEVM
    5. 2.5 Customizing the EVM for Optional Clocking Support
      1. 2.5.1 LMX->DACCLK | LMX/LMK-> FPGA option (Default)
      2. 2.5.2 EXT->DACCLK | LMX/LMK-> FPGA Clocking Option
      3. 2.5.3 EXT->DACCLK | LMK-> FPGA Clocking Option
    6. 2.6 Signal Routing
    7. 2.7 Jumpers and LEDs
  8. 3Hardware Design Files
    1. 3.1 Schematics
    2. 3.2 PCB Layouts
    3. 3.3 Bill of Materials (BOM)
  9. 4Additional Information
    1. 4.1 Trademarks
  10. 5References
    1. 5.1 Technical Reference Documents
    2. 5.2 TSW14J59EVM Operation
  11. 6Revision History

SPIDAC (NCO only) Operation

The DAC can also be configured in SPIDAC Operation (NCO only mode). In NCO only mode, data streamed from JESD is ignored and DUCs inputs are driven by SPIDAC I and SPIDAC Q. This mode can be enabled when JESD Enable is set to 0, interpolation factor is greater than or equal to 2, DP Enable is set to 1, and the DAC is configured in NCO only mode. The correct combination of number of streams and interpolation factor needs to be selected to enable the desired number of DUCs and setting the desired outputs from respective DACs, as shown in Table 2-2.

In the example, all the four DUCs are enabled. DUC0 and DUC1 are routed to DAC0. DUC2 and DUC3 are routed to DAC1. If more than one DUC is routed per DAC, then the DUC data into the DAC must be attenuated to prevent the DAC from saturating.

The NCO only mode can be configured through the GUI by following steps.

TRF1108-DAC39RFEVM NCO only JMODE settings for
          GUI. Figure 2-6 NCO only JMODE settings for GUI.
  1. Launch the DAC39RF10EVM GUI.
  2. Select the LMX->DACCLK | LMX/LMK->FPGA as the clock source.
  3. Enter Clk Freq 10240MHz.
  4. Select JMODE3 for JMODE option.
  5. Select 8 for Interpolation.
  6. Select 8 for number of streams.
  7. Click the Program Devices button.
  8. On the NCO tab, uncheck the DP Enable box.
  9. Uncheck the JESD Enable box.
  10. For SPIDAC I, enter the value of 32767 for full scale output power.
  11. Check the NCO Enable box.
  12. Select the correct DUC routing (DUC0 and DUC1 routed to DAC0 and DUC2; DUC3 routed to DAC1). Since two DUC are routed to single DAC, the gain value needs to be adjusted to -6dB to prevent the DAC from saturating.
  13. Enter the desired frequency
  14. Check the DP Enable.
  15. Both channels on the DAC have outputs.
TRF1108-DAC39RFEVM NCO Only Mode GUI Settings Figure 2-7 NCO Only Mode GUI Settings

Similar to SPI DAC mode, the DDS mode can be used as a lower power option. To enable DDS mode, the following steps are used.

  1. Follow steps 1-9 from above.
  2. Skip step 10.
  3. For 11 step, check the NCO DDS Enable box.
  4. Follow step 12.
  5. Follow step 13.
  6. For Amplitude (two DUCs routed to single DAC, amplitude reduced by 6dB from max value of 32767 to 16384), program 16384.
  7. Follow step 14.
  8. Both channels on the DAC have outputs.