SBOA242A January   2019  – October 2024 INA828 , OPA188 , TLV171


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Design Goals

Input Output Supply
ViMin ViMax VoMin VoMax Vcc Vee
–13V 13V –14.85V 14.85 15 –15
Lower Cutoff Frequency (fL) Gain Input
16Hz 1 ±2VAC; +10VDC

Design Description

This circuit produces an AC-coupled output from a DC-coupled input to an instrumentation amplifier. The output is fed back through an integrator, and the output of the integrator is used to modulate the reference voltage of the amplifier. This creates a high-pass filter and effectively cancels the output offset. This circuit avoids the need for large capacitors and resistors on the input, which can significantly degrade CMRR due to component mismatch.

Design Notes

  1. The DC correction from output to reference is unity-gain. U1 can only correct for a signal within its input/output limitations, thus the magnitude of DC voltage that can be corrected for degrade with increasing instrumentation amplifier gain. See the table in Design Steps for more information.
  2. Large values of R1 and C1 lower the cutoff frequency, but increase start up transient response time. Start up behavior is observed in the Transient Simulation Results.
  3. When AC-coupling this way, the total input voltage must remain within the common-mode input range of the instrumentation amplifier.

Design Steps

  1. Set the lower cutoff frequency for circuit (integrator cutoff frequency). The upper cutoff frequency is dictated by the gain and instrumentation amplifier bandwidth.
    f L = 1 2 π × R 1 × C 1 = 16  Hz
  2. Choose a standard value for R1 and C1.
    C 1  =  100  nF R 1 = 1 2 π × 100  nF × 16  Hz = 99.47  100    standard   value
  3. The DC rejection capabilities of the circuit degrade with gain. The following table provides a good estimate of the DC correction range for higher gains.
    Gain DC Correction Range
    1V/V ±10V
    10V/V ±1V
    100V/V ±0.1V
    1000V/V ±0.01V

Design Simulations

AC Simulation Results

Transient Simulation Results

Design References

Texas Instruments, SBOMAU0 TINA-TI™ circuit simulation, file download

Texas Instruments, TIPD191 Instrumentation Amplifier with DC Rejection, reference design

Design Featured Instrumentation Amplifier

Vss 4.5V to 36V
VinCM Vee+2V to Vcc–2V
Vout Vee+150mV to Vcc–150mV
Vos 20µV
Iq 600µA
Ib 150pA
SR 1.2V/µs
#Channels 1

Design Featured Op Amp

Vss 8V to 36V
VinCM Vee to Vcc–1.5V
Vout Rail-to-rail
Vos 6µV
Iq 450µA
Ib ±160pA
SR 0.8V/µs
#Channels 1, 2, and 4

Design Alternate Op Amp

Vss 2.7V to 36V
VinCM Vee–0.1V to Vcc–2V
Vout Rail-to-rail
Vos 750µV
Iq 525µA
Ib ±10pA
SR 1.5V/µs
#Channels 1, 2, and 4