SBOA585 March 2024 ADS127L11 , ADS127L11 , ADS127L21 , ADS127L21 , PGA849 , PGA849 , PGA855 , PGA855
Figure 7-13 shows the input referred voltage noise spectral density curve for the PGA855 for each gain setting.
The spectral noise density plot has two regions: the 1/f noise region and the broadband noise region. The left side of the spectral noise density plot, shows the 1/f noise, also known as flicker noise. 1/f noise is a category of noise in the low frequency range, typically at frequencies lower than 1kHz for most devices, and only showing at lower frequencies than 10Hz for the PGA855. The broadband noise region, at the right side of the curve, has a flat spectral density.
To convert the voltage spectral noise density (nV/√Hz) to RMS voltage noise, one must square the voltage spectral noise density, integrate across the desired bandwidth, and calculate the square root of the result. Equation 5 shows the calculation to convert the spectral noise into RMS noise.
The following sections detail how to calculate the total PGA RMS noise associated with the 1/f noise region and the broadband noise region.