SFFS541A May   2023  – August 2024 AFE78201 , AFE88201


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
  5. 3Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
  6. 4Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

This section provides a failure mode analysis (FMA) for the pins of the AFE78201 and AFE88201. The failure modes covered in this document include the typical pin-by-pin failure scenarios:

Table 4-2 through Table 4-5 also indicate how these pin conditions can affect the device as per the failure effects classification in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 TI Classification of Failure Effects
ClassFailure Effects
APotential device damage that affects functionality.
BNo device damage, but loss of functionality.
CNo device damage, but performance degradation.
DNo device damage, no impact to functionality or performance.

Figure 4-1 shows the AFE78201 and AFE88201 pin diagram. For a detailed description of the device pins, see the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the AFE78201 and AFE88201 data sheet.

AFE78201 AFE88201 Pin Diagram Figure 4-1 Pin Diagram

Following are the assumptions of use and the device configuration assumed for the pin FMA in this section:

  • At least two SPI devices are present on the SPI bus.
  • VDD and IOVDD use the same supply voltage.
  • 'Short circuit to GND' means short to GND = REF_GND.
  • 'Short circuit to Power' means short to PVDD = IOVDD = 3.3 V.
Table 4-2 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Ground
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
GPIO3/ UARTIN 1 GPIO3/UARTIN forced low. If configured as a UART input, no UART communication to the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. If configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO3/UARTIN forced low. If configured as a GPIO push-pull output, GPIO is not functional and is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO2/ UARTOUT 2 GPIO2/UARTOUT forced low. If configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO2/UARTOUT forced low. If configured as a UART output, no UART communication from the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. If configured as a GPIO push-pull output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a UART output or GPIO push-pull output, and is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO1 3 GPIO1 forced low. If configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO1 forced low. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
SCLR 4 SCLR forced low. The device operates normally, but SCLR does not set the DAC output to the clear code value. B
REF_EN 5 REF_EN forced low. The internal reference is not enabled, and the device does not have the proper output if the internal reference is used. The device operates normally if an external reference is used. B
RESET 6 RESET is forced low. The device is held in reset and does not function. B
SCLK 7 SCLK forced low. No SPI communication with the device is possible. UART communication is possible. B
GPIO5/SDI 8 GPIO5/SDI forced low. If configured for SPI, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. If pin is configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO5/SDI forced low. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output and is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO4/SDO 9 GPIO4/SDO forced low. If configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO4/SDO forced low. If configured for SPI, no SPI communication from the device is possible. UART communication is possible. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a SPI output or GPIO push-pull output, and is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO6/CS 10 GPIO6/CS forced low. If configured for SPI, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. If pin is configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO6/CS forced low. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output and is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO0/ CLK_OUT 11 GPIO0/CLK_OUT forced low. If internal oscillator is disabled, and GPIO is disabled, input appears as Hi-Z, and the device operates normally. D
GPIO0/CLK_OUT forced low. If pin is configured as a GPIO input or as a GPIO pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO0/CLK_OUT forced low. If pin is configured with internal oscillator enabled, oscillator output is grounded. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a oscillator output or GPIO push-pull output, and is connected to ground for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
IOVDD 12 IOVDD supply grounded. The device is not powered and not functional. Verify that the absolute maximum ratings for all pins of the device are met; otherwise, device damage is possible. A
VDD 13 VDD supply grounded. The device is not functional. The internal LDO is shorted to ground. Shorting pin to ground can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to ground for an extended period of time. A
GND 14 No effect. Normal operation. D
AIN0 15 AIN0 forced low. Conversion results for ADC0 are incorrect. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 16 POL_SEL/AIN1 forced low; ADC SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 1. Conversion results for AIN1 are incorrect. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 forced low; ADC SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 0. POL_SEL can be set to the wrong polarity depending on the selected DAC VOUT alarm voltage (ALMV_POL). B
PVDD 17 PVDD supply grounded. The device is not powered and not functional. Verify that the absolute maximum ratings for all pins of the device are met; otherwise, device damage is possible. A
VOUT 18 VOUT forced low. DAC output is shorted and not functional. Shorting the pin to ground can increase supply current. B
VREFIO 19 VREFIO forced low; internal reference disabled, external reference connected. The DAC output is incorrect and not functional. B
VREFIO forced low; internal reference enabled. Shorting the pin to ground can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the internal reference is enabled and VREFIO is connected to ground for an extended period of time. A
REF_GND 20 No effect. Normal operation. D
GND 21 No effect. Normal operation. D
GND 22 No effect. Normal operation. D
NC 23 NC pin forced low. Shorting the pin to ground can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to ground for an extended period of time. A
ALARM 24 ALARM pin forced low. Alarm is not functional. B
Table 4-3 Pin FMA for Device Pins Open-Circuited
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
GPIO3/ UARTIN 1 GPIO3/UARTIN is undetermined. If configured as a UART input, no UART communication to the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. In other configurations, GPIO is not functional. Leaving the pin unconnected can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO2/ UARTOUT 2 GPIO2/UARTOUT is undetermined. If configured as a UART output, no UART communication to the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. B
GPIO2/UARTOUT is undetermined. In other configurations, GPIO is not functional. Leaving the input pin unconnected can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO1 3 GPIO1 is undetermined. GPIO is not functional. Leaving the input pin unconnected can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
SCLR 4 SCLR is undetermined. Device functionality is undetermined. Output can be set to expected output or the DAC clear code. B
REF_EN 5 REF_EN is undetermined; external reference not connected. Device functionality is undetermined. The reference can operate normally or be disabled. B
REF_EN is undetermined; external reference connected. Device damage is possible if an external reference drives VREFIO. A
RESET 6 RESET is undetermined. Device functionality is undetermined. The device can operate normally or be held in reset. B
SCLK 7 SCLK is undetermined. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. B
GPIO5/SDI 8 GPIO5/SDI is undetermined. If configured as an SPI input, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. In other configurations, GPIO is not functional. Leaving the input pin unconnected can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO4/SDO 9 GPIO4/SDO is undetermined. If configured as an SPI output, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. B
GPIO4/SDO is undetermined. In other configurations, GPIO is not functional. Leaving the input pin unconnected can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO6/CS 10 GPIO6/CS is undetermined. If configured as an SPI input, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. In other configurations, GPIO is not functional. Leaving the input pin unconnected can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO0/ CLK_OUT 11 GPIO0/CLK_OUT unconnected. If configured with internal oscillator enabled, oscillator output is unconnected. B
GPIO0/CLK_OUT unconnected. In other configurations, GPIO is not functional. Leaving the input pin unconnected can increase supply current. If internal oscillator and GPIO is disabled, GPIO0/CLK_OUT is similarly unconnected. Device damage is possible if the pin is unconnected for an extended period of time. A
IOVDD 12 IOVDD supply unconnected. The device is not powered and not functional if all external digital pins are held low. The device can power up through internal ESD diodes to IOVDD if voltages greater than the power-on reset threshold of the device are present on any of the digital pins. Device functionality is undetermined. B
VDD 13 Output of LDO unconnected. Without connection to capacitor, output can oscillate and device functionality is undetermined. B
GND 14 Device functionality is undetermined. The device can be unpowered or connected to ground internally to be powered. B
AIN0 15 AIN0 is undetermined. The conversion results of ADC0 are undetermined. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 16 POL_SEL/AIN1 is undetermined. If ADC SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 1, the conversion results of AIN1 are undetermined. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 is undetermined. If ADC SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 0, the POL_SEL input is undetermined. POL_SEL can be set to the wrong polarity depending on the selected DAC VOUT alarm voltage (ALMV_POL). B
PVDD 17 PVDD supply unconnected. The device is not powered and not functional if all external pins are held low. The device can power up through internal ESD diodes to PVDD if voltages greater than the power-on reset threshold of the device are present on any of the digital pins. Device functionality is undetermined. B
VOUT 18 VOUT unconnected. DAC output floating. B
VREFIO 19 VREFIO unconnected. With internal reference enabled, output can oscillate without load capacitance. B
VREFIO unconnected. When using an external reference, the DAC reference is disconnected. The DAC output is incorrect. B
REF_GND 20 REF_GND unconnected. The device reference does not set to proper voltage. The DAC output is incorrect. B
GND 21 Pin unconnected. No effect. Normal operation. D
GND 22 Pin unconnected. No effect. Normal operation. D
NC 23 Pin unconnected. No effect. Normal operation. D
ALARM 24 ALARM unconnected. No ALARM communication back to controller. B
Table 4-4 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin
Pin Name Pin No. Shorted to Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
GPIO3/ UARTIN 1 GPIO2/ UARTOUT If configured for UART, no UART communication to the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. Device damage is possible from contention as the UARTIN driver tries to drive the UARTOUT pin. If pins are configured for GPIO, GPIO is not functional. If both pins are configured as GPIO inputs, or if both pins are configured as GPIO open drain outputs, then an increase in supply current can be seen. If either pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the other output pin or to the other GPIO input pin driver. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO2/ UARTOUT 2 GPIO1 If configured for UART, no UART communication from the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. Device damage is possible from contention from GPIO2/ UARTOUT and GPIO1/CD pin outputs. If pins are configured for GPIO, GPIO is not functional. If both pins are configured as GPIO inputs, or if both pins are configured as GPIO open drain outputs, then an increase in supply current can be seen. If either pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the other output pin or to the other GPIO input pin driver. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO1 3 SCLR Contention between GPIO1 pin and SCLR pin. Device damage is possible from output pin contention if connected for an extended period of time. If GPIO1 pin is configured as a GPIO input, then an increase in supply current can be seen with contention between the SCLK pin and the SDI pin driver. If GPIO1 pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the RTS output pin. A
SCLR 4 REF_EN SCLR pin can be forced high if the REF_EN pin is high. DAC output can be forced to the clear code value. If REF_EN pin is low, the DAC operates normally, but the SCLR pin does not set the DAC to the clear code value. B
REF_EN 5 RESET REF_EN undetermined; internal reference intended. The device operates normally with the RESET pin set high. Reference is disabled as RESET is set low. B
REF_EN undetermined; external reference connected. An external reference can damage the device if connected to VREFIO for an extended period of time. A
RESET 6 SCLK SPI communication corrupted. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. B
SCLK 7 GPIO5/SDI If configured for SPI, SPI communication corrupted. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. B
If GPIO5/SDI pin is configured for GPIO, GPIO is not functional. If GPIO5/SDI pins is configured as a GPIO input, then an increase in supply current can be seen with contention between the SCLK pin and the SDI pin driver. If either pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the other output pin or to the other GPIO input pin driver. A
GPIO5/SDI 8 GPIO4/SDO If configured for SPI, SPI communication corrupted. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. Device damage is possible from contention from SDI input driver and SDO pin outputs. If pins are configured for GPIO, GPIO is not functional. If both pins are configured as GPIO inputs, or if both pins are configured as GPIO open drain outputs, then an increase in supply current can be seen. If either pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the other output pin or to the other GPIO input pin driver. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time.. A
GPIO4/SDO 9 GPIO6/CS If configured for SPI, SPI communication corrupted. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. Device damage is possible from contention from SDO output and CS input driver. If pins are configured for GPIO, GPIO is not functional. If both pins are configured as GPIO inputs, or if both pins are configured as GPIO open drain outputs, then an increase in supply current can be seen. If either pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the other output pin or to the other GPIO input pin driver. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO6/CS 10 GPIO0/ CLK_OUT If GPIO0 and CLK_OUT are both disabled, device functions normally. D
If GPIO0 is configured as an input, then there is contention between the GPIO0 driver and the CS. A
If configured for SPI, SPI communication corrupted. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. GPIO and CLK_OUT are not functional. An increase in supply current can be observed if either pin is configured as an output to another output driver, or if both pins are configured as outputs. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. If pins are configured for GPIO, GPIO is not functional. If both pins are configured as GPIO inputs, or if both pins are configured as GPIO open drain outputs, then an increase in supply current can be seen. If either pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull output or an open drain output, an increase in supply or ground current can be observed when there is contention between the GPIO output pin and the other output pin or to the other GPIO input pin driver. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
GPIO0/ CLK_OUT 11 IOVDD If internal oscillator is disabled and GPIO0 is disabled as GPIO, GPIO0/CLK_OUT pin appears as Hi-Z, and the device operates normally D
If GPIO0/CLK_OUT is configured as a GPIO input, the GPIO is not functional. B
If GPIO0/CLK_OUT is configured with internal oscillator enabled, or if GPIO is configured as a GPIO output. An increase in ground current is observed when GPIO0/CLK_OUT pin tries to drive low against IOVDD. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
IOVDD 12 VDD The device can be damaged when VDD is driven to a voltage beyond 2.2V. A
VDD 13 GND The device is not functional. The internal LDO is shorted to ground. Shorting the pin to ground can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to GND for an extended period of time. A
GND 14 AIN0 AIN0 forced low. Conversion results for AIN0 are incorrect. B
AIN0 15 POL_SEL/AIN1 AIN0 and POL_SEL/AIN1 voltages undetermined; SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 1. Either or both ADC conversion results for AIN0 and AIN1 can be incorrect. B
AIN0 and POL_SEL/AIN1 voltages undetermined; SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB is set to 0. POL_SEL can be set to the wrong polarity depending on the selected DAC VOUT alarm voltage (ALMV_POL). B
POL_SEL/AIN1 16 PVDD POL_SEL/AIN1 forced high; SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 1. Conversion results for AIN1 are incorrect. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 forced high; ADC SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 0. POL_SEL can be set to the wrong polarity depending on the selected DAC VOUT alarm voltage (ALMV_POL). B
PVDD 17 VOUT VOUT shorted to PVDD. DAC output is shorted and not functional. Shorting the pin to PVDD can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
VOUT 18 VREFIO DAC reference voltage and DAC output voltage are undetermined, and the DAC is not functional. Shorting VOUT to VREFIO can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
VREFIO 19 REF_GND VREFIO forced low; external reference connected. The DAC output is incorrect and not functional. B
VREFIO forced low; internal reference enabled. The DAC output is incorrect and not functional. Shorting the pin to ground can increase the supply current. Device damage is possible if the internal reference is enabled and the pin is connected to GND for an extended period of time. A
REF_GND 20 GND No effect. Normal operation. B
GND 21 GND No effect. Normal operation. B
GND 22 NC NC pin forced low. Shorting the pin to ground can increase supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to GND for an extended period of time. A
NC 23 ALARM NC pin forced low, increase in current is possible. B
ALARM 24 GPIO3/ UARTIN ALARM pin not functional and UART communication contention. SPI communication is possible. An increase in supply current can be observed if GPIO3/UARTIN pulls high and open-drain ALARM pulls low. Device damage is possible if connected for an extended period of time. A
Table 4-5 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to PVDD and IOVDD
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
GPIO3/ UARTIN 1 GPIO3/UARTIN forced high. If configured as a UART input, no UART communication to the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. If configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO3/UARTIN forced high. If configured as a GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a GPIO output and is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in ground current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO2/ UARTOUT 2 GPIO2/UARTOUT forced high. If configured for UART, no UART communication from the device is possible. SPI communication is possible. If configured as a GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a UART output or GPIO output, and is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in ground current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO2/UARTOUT forced high. If configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO1 3 GPIO1 pin forced high. If configured as a GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in ground current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO1 forced high. If configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
SCLR 4 SCLR pin forced high. SCLR sets the DAC output to the clear code value. The device is not functional. B
REF_EN 5 REF_EN forced high. If the internal reference is selected, the device is in normal operation. D
REF_EN forced high. If external reference is connected, device damage is possible if external reference drives VREFIO. A
RESET 6 RESET is forced high. The device cannot be reset using the RESET pin, but operates normally. B
SCLK 7 SCLK forced high. No SPI communication with the device. UART communication is possible. B
GPIO5/SDI 8 GPIO5/SDI forced high. If configured for SPI, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. If pin is configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO5/SDI forced high. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output and is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in ground current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO4/SDO 9 GPIO4/SDO forced high. If configured for SPI, no SPI communication from the device is possible. UART communication is possible. If pin is configured as GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output , GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a SPI output or GPIO output, and is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in ground current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO4/SDO forced high. If pin is configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO6/CS 10 GPIO6/CS forced low. If configured for SPI, no SPI communication to the device is possible. UART communication is possible. If pin is configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO6/CS forced low. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output and is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in ground current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
GPIO0/ CLK_OUT 11 GPIO0/CLK_OUT forced high. If internal oscillator is disabled and GPIO is disabled, GPIO0/CLK_OUT input appears as Hi-Z, and the device operates normally. D
GPIO0/CLK_OUT forced high. If pin is configured as a GPIO input, GPIO is not functional. B
GPIO0/CLK_OUT forced high. If pin is configured with internal oscillator enabled, oscillator output is grounded. If pin is configured as a GPIO push-pull or pseudo open-drain output, GPIO is not functional. If pin is configured as a SPI output or GPIO output, and is connected to PVDD and IOVDD for an extended period of time, an increase in supply current can be observed. Device damage is possible. A
IOVDD 12 For this case, IOVDD = PVDD = 3.3V. No effect. Normal operation. D
VDD 13 VDD driven to supply. The device can be damaged when VDD is driven to a voltage beyond 2.2V. A
GND 14 GND tied to supply. The device is not powered and not functional. The supply can draw excessive current. Verify that the absolute maximum ratings for all pins of the device are met; otherwise, device damage is possible. A
AIN0 15 AIN0 forced high. The conversion results for ADC0 are incorrect. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 16 POL_SEL/AIN1 forced high; SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 1. The conversion results for AIN1 are incorrect. B
POL_SEL/AIN1 forced high; SPECIAL_CFG.AIN1_ENB set to 0. POL_SEL can be set to the wrong polarity depending on the selected DAC VOUT alarm voltage (ALMV_POL). B
PVDD 17 No effect. Normal operation. D
VOUT 18 VOUT shorted to supply. The DAC output is shorted and not functional. Shorting the pin to supply can increase the supply current. B
VREFIO 19 VREFIO shorted to supply. The DAC output is not functional. Shorting the pin to supply can increase the supply current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to supply. A
REF_GND 20 REF_GND shorted to supply. The DAC is not functional. The supply can draw excessive current. Verify that the absolute maximum ratings for all pins of the device are met; otherwise, device damage is possible. A
GND 21 GND shorted to supply. The DAC is not functional. The supply can draw excessive current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to supply. A
GND 22 GND shorted to supply. The DAC is not functional. The supply can draw excessive current. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to supply. A
NC 23 NC pin shorted to supply. Device damage is possible if the pin is connected to supply. A
ALARM 24 ALARM pin forced high. The pin is not functional. Open-drain ALARM pin can be damaged during alarm if directly connected to PVDD. A