SFFS979 August   2024 TSD5402-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
  5. 3Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
  6. 4Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

This section provides a failure mode analysis (FMA) for the pins of the TSD5402-Q1. The failure modes covered in this document include the typical pin-by-pin failure scenarios:

  • Pin short-circuited to ground (see Table 4-2)
  • Pin open-circuited (see Table 4-3)
  • Pin short-circuited to an adjacent pin (see Table 4-4)
  • Pin short-circuited to supply (PVDD) (see Table 4-5)

Table 4-2 through Table 4-5 indicate how these pin conditions can affect the device as per the failure effects classification in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 TI Classification of Failure Effects
ClassFailure Effects
APotential device damage that affects functionality.
BNo device damage, but loss of functionality.
CNo device damage, but performance degradation.
DNo device damage, no impact to functionality or performance.

Figure 4-1 shows the TSD5402-Q1 pin diagram. For a detailed description of the device pins, refer to the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the TSD5402-Q1 data sheet.

TSD5402-Q1 TSD5402-Q1 Pin Diagram Figure 4-1 TSD5402-Q1 Pin Diagram

Following are the assumptions of use and the device configuration assumed for the pin FMA in this section:

  • TC = 25 °C
  • PVDD = 4.5V - 18V
  • RL = 4Ω
  • POUT = 1W
  • AES17 Filter, Default I2C settings
  • Output channel in DRIVE mode
Table 4-2 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Ground
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
GND1No effects.D
/STANDBY2Device is in standby mode.B
BYP3LDO trigger current limit protection, if under continuous stress, can heat up.B
SDA4I2C interface does not work.B
SCL5I2C interface does not work.B
IN_P6Device not able to deliver power.B
IN_N7Device not able to deliver power.B
HI-Z8No effects.D
GND9No effects.D
BSTN10Output cannot be driven to logic-1 (PVDD). Can trigger overcurrent protection.B
OUTN11Output overcurrent protection. Device shutdown. Fault latches.B
OUTP12Output overcurrent protection. Device shutdown. Fault latches.B
BSTP13Output cannot be driven to logic-1 (PVDD). Can trigger overcurrent protection.B
/FAULT14FAULT cannot assert correctly, can affect the system MCU.B
PVDD15No damage to device considering power and ground are at same potential.B
GND16No effects.D
Table 4-3 Pin FMA for Device Pins Open-Circuited
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
GND1If all GNDs are disconnected, device damage is possible. If only one GND is disconnected, the device is functional but performance can degrade.A
/STANDBY2Internal pull-down resistor is standby the device.B
BYP3Driver potentially does not work correctly and can trigger overcurrent protection.B
SDA4Device does not respond to I2C command.B
SCL5Device does not respond to I2C command.B
IN_P6Device is not able to deliver power.B
IN_N7Device is not able to deliver power.B
HI-Z8Device can be in Hi-z state.B
GND9If all GNDs are disconnected, device damage is possible. If only one GND is not connected, device is functional but performance can degrade.A
BSTN10Output cannot be driven to logic-1 (PVDD).B
OUTN11Open-load condition.C
OUTP12Open-load condition.C
BSTP13Output cannot be driven to logic-1 (PVDD).B
/FAULT14FAULTZ cannot be reported to the system.B
PVDD15Device does not start up.B
GND16If all GNDs are disconnected, device damage is possible. If only one GND is disconnected, device is functional but performance can degrade.A
Table 4-4 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin
Pin NamePin No.Shorted toDescription of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
GND12Device is in standby mode.B
/STANDBY23Device is in standby mode.B
BYP34LDO trigger current limit protection, if under continuous stress, can heat up.B
SDA45Device does not respond to I2C command.B
SCL56Device does not respond to I2C command.B
IN_P67Amplifier gain is not correct.
IN_N78Amplifier gain is not correct.B
HI-Z89Device can be in Hi-z state.B
GND910Signal performance degradation.C
BSTN1011Output cannot be driven to logic-1 (PVDD). Can trigger overcurrent protection.B
OUTN1112Report overcurrent fault.B
OUTP1213Report overcurrent fault.B
BSTP1314Output cannot be driven to logic-1 (PVDD). Can trigger overcurrent protection.B
/FAULT1415FAULT cannot assert correctly, can affect system MCU.B
PVDD1516Device does not start up.B
GND1615Device does not start up.B
Table 4-5 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to PVDD
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
GND1System-level fault. Power short to ground.B
/STANDBY2Device damage is possible.A
BYP3Device damage is possible.A
SDA4Device damage is possible.A
SCL5Device damage is possible.A
IN_P6Device damage is possible.A
IN_N7Device damage is possible.A
HI-Z8Device damage is possible.A
GND9System-level fault. Power short to ground.B
BSTN10Device damage is possible.A
OUTN11Output S2P event, protected if short after filter. B
OUTP12Output S2P event, protected if short after filter. B
BSTP13Device damage is possible.A
/FAULT14FAULT cannot assert correctly and can affect system MCU.B
PVDD15No effect.D
GND16System-level fault. Power short to ground.B