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The MSP430™ microcontrollers (MCUs) offer both read-only memory (ROM)-based and flash-based devices. Understanding the MSP430 flash is extremely important for efficient, robust, and reliable system design. Data retention is one of the key aspects to flash reliability. In this application report, data retention for the MSP430 flash is discussed in detail and the effect of temperature is given primary importance. The concepts discussed in this document are applicable to all MSP430 MCUs that are flash based in any memory configuration.
MSP430 is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Memory in general is broadly classified as read-only memory (ROM) or random-access memory (RAM). These two types behave differently, and each has its own set of merits and demerits. Flash memory is a hybrid of ROM and RAM, inheriting the best features of both types of memories. Flash memory, driven by low cost, is electrically programmable, fast to read from, exhibits high density, and is nonvolatile. Flash memory is usually stacked as sectors and can be erased only as sectors. For the MSP430 MCUs, each sector of the main memory flash is 512 bytes in length. Because the flash memory is electrically programmable, it requires a sufficient voltage to erase and program efficiently. This voltage must be maintained during the entire flash erase and write to ensure reliability of the operation. This topic is discussed in detail in the following section. The other limitation of flash is the number of writes and erases, which has a direct impact on flash wear out. Tips to ensure flash longevity and factors that contribute to flash failure are discussed in this application report.
Data retention can be one of the primary concerns at extreme temperatures. In this application report, emphasis is given to basics of flash data retention, factors that influence this parameter, and the various figures of merit to interpret flash data retention, along with tips to prevent failures on MSP430 MCUs.