The software package includes the following:
- Host_Examples: Examples showing the MSP-EXP430F5529 or the MSP-EXP430G2 being used as a host that programs an MSP430 flash-based target through a UART, I2C, or SPI with CC110x communication interface.
- MSP430F5529_Examples: Examples showing the MSP430F5529 being used as an MSPBoot target. This includes the bootloader code and two example applications for each respective communication interface (UART, I2C, or SPI with CC110x).
- MSP430G2553_Examples: Examples showing the MSP430G2553 being used as an MSPBoot target. This includes the bootloader code and two example applications for each respective communication interface (UART or I2C).
- Utilities:
- 430 TXT Converter: Perl script used to convert CCS output files to Host TargetApps. See Section
- Project_Creator: Script used to automatically generate a CCS project script file used to create a new MSPBoot project, see Section
This software package was built and tested using CCS 7.2.0. Other IDE versions and compilers may not directly support the resources as provided and could require slight modifications.