Key Input Parameter | Key Output Signal | Recommended Device |
SPI or I2C communication to program DAC codes 0x000 to 0xFFF, GPI trigger | 0 A to 250 µA, and 0 mA to 20 mA LED current | DAC43204 (8 bit), DAC53204 (10 bit), DAC63204 (12 bit) |
Objective: Bias an LED with a high-side current source using a smart DAC.
This design uses a four-channel buffered voltage or current output smart DAC such as the DAC43204, DAC53204, or DAC63204 (DACx3204) to bias a light-emitting diode (LED). The smart DAC can configured in voltage output mode and be connected in a force-sense configuration with a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in LED biasing applications needing a few milliamps of current as shown on channel 1 of the DACx3204 in the circuit schematic. The DAC sets the collector current of the PNP-type BJTx, such as the 2N2905, and controls the amount of current through the LED by varying the base voltage. The LED is connected between the collector of the BJT and ground. The DAC can be used in current output mode to drive the LED directly with up to 250 µA for low-current LED biasing applications as shown on channel 0 of the DACx3204 in the circuit schematic. The feedback pin (VFB) of the DACx3204 compensates for the base-emitter voltage (VBE) drop and the drift of the BJT when using the BJT configuration. The DACx3204 have a general-purpose input-output (GPIO) pin that can be used to switch the LEDs between two current values, or on and off. All register settings can be saved using the non-volatile memory (NVM) on the smart DAC, meaning that the device can be used without a processor, even after a power cycle. This circuit can be used in applications such as barcode scanners, barcode readers, currency counters, POS printers, optical modules, and appliance lighting.
The DAC codes for the 10-bit DAC53204 can be calculated by:
If a 5-V VDD is used as the reference, the high and low DAC codes become:
The DACx3204 can be programmed with the initial register settings described in the Register Settings section using I2C or SPI. The initial register settings can be saved in the NVM by writing a 1 to the NVM-PROG field of the COMMON-TRIGGER register. After programming the NVM, the device loads all registers with the values stored in the NVM after a reset or a power cycle.
This schematic is used for the following simulation of the DAC53204.
The simulation shows the LED current when the DAC slews from the margin high to margin low code.
The simulation shows the LED current vs the DAC output voltage. The base voltage needs to be 0.7 V less than the emitter voltage for a typical PNP-type BJTs to conduct. In this circuit, the chosen 2N2905 transistor starts conducting when the base voltge exceeds 900 mV.
Register Address | Register Name | Setting | Description |
0x01 | DAC-0-MARGIN-HIGH | 0xFFC0 | [15:4] 0xFFC: 10-bit data left adjusted updates the MARGIN-HIGH code |
[3:0] 0x0: Don't care | |||
0x02 | DAC-0-MARGIN-LOW | 0xCCC0 | [15:4] 0xCCC: 10-bit data left adjusted updates the MARGIN-LOW code |
[3:0] 0x0: Don't care | |||
0x06 | DAC-0-FUNC-CONFIG | 0x0001 | [15] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set DAC-0 clear setting to mid-scale |
[14] 0b0: Write 0b1 to update DAC-0 with LDAC trigger | |||
[13] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable DAC-0 to be updated with broadcast command | |||
[12:11] 0b00: Selects phase for function generator | |||
[10:8] 0b000: Selects waveform generated by the function generator | |||
[7] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable logarithmic slew | |||
[6:4] 0b000: Selects code-step of 1 LSB | |||
[3:0] 0b001: Selects slew-rate of 4 µs per step | |||
0x1F | COMMON-CONFIG | 0x0FF9 | [15] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set window-comparator output to a latching output |
[14] 0b0: Write 0b1 to lock device. Unlock by writing 0b0101 to DEV-UNLOCK field in the COMMON-TRIGGER register | |||
[13] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set fault-dump read enable at address 0x01 | |||
[12] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enables the internal reference | |||
[11:10] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT3 | |||
[9] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT3 | |||
[8:7] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT2 | |||
[6] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT2 | |||
[5:4] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT1 | |||
[3] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT1 | |||
[2:1] 0b00: Powers-up VOUT0 | |||
[0] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT0 | |||
0x20 | COMMON-TRIGGER | 0x0002 | [15:12] 0b0000: Write 0b0101 to unlock the device |
[11:8] 0b0000: Write 0b1010 to trigger a POR reset | |||
[7] 0b0: Write 0b1 to trigger LDAC operation if the respective SYNC-CONFIG-X bit in the DAC-X-FUNC-CONFIG register is 1 | |||
[6] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set the DAC registers and outputs to zero-code or mid-code based on the respective CLR-SEL-X bit in the DAC-X-FUNC-CONFIG register | |||
[5] 0b0: Don't care | |||
[4] 0b0: Write 0b1 to trigger fault-dump sequence | |||
[3] 0b0: Write 0b1 to trigger PROTECT function | |||
[2] 0b0: Write 0b1 to read one row of NVM for fault-dump | |||
[1] 0b1: Write 0b1 to store applicable register settings to the NVM | |||
[0] 0b0: Write 0b1 to reload applicable registers with existing NVM settings | |||
0x24 | GPIO-CONFIG | 0x0035 | [15] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable glitch filter on GPI |
[14] 0b0: Don't care | |||
[13] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable output mode on GPIO pin | |||
[12:9] 0b0000: STATUS function setting mapped to GPIO as output | |||
[8:5] 0b0001: Determines channels affected by channel-specific GPI functions | |||
[4:1] 0b1010: Selects GPI to trigger margin high and low | |||
[0] 0b1: Enables input mode for GPIO pin |
Register Address | Register Name | Setting | Description |
0x01 | DAC-0-MARGIN-HIGH | 0x8000 | [15:4] 0x800: 8-bit data left adjusted updates the MARGIN-HIGH code |
[3:0] 0x0: Don't care | |||
0x02 | DAC-0-MARGIN-LOW | 0x0000 | [15:4] 0x000: 8-bit data left adjusted updates the MARGIN-LOW code |
[3:0] 0x0: Don't care | |||
0x06 | DAC-0-FUNC-CONFIG | 0x0001 | [15] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set DAC-0 clear setting to mid-scale |
[14] 0b0: Write 0b1 to update DAC-0 with LDAC trigger | |||
[13] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable DAC-0 to be updated with broadcast command | |||
[12:11] 0b00: Selects phase for function generator | |||
[10:8] 0b000: Selects waveform generated by the function generator | |||
[7] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable logarithmic slew | |||
[6:4] 0b000: Selects code-step of 1 LSB | |||
[3:0] 0b001: Selects slew-rate of 4 µs per step | |||
0x1F | COMMON-CONFIG | 0x0FFE | [15] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set window-comparator output to a latching output |
[14] 0b0: Write 0b1 to lock device. Unlock by writing 0b0101 to DEV-UNLOCK field in the COMMON-TRIGGER register | |||
[13] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set fault-dump read enable at address 0x01 | |||
[12] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enables the internal reference | |||
[11:10] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT3 | |||
[9] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT3 | |||
[8:7] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT2 | |||
[6] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT2 | |||
[5:4] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT1 | |||
[3] 0b1: Powers-down IOUT1 | |||
[2:1] 0b11: Powers-down VOUT0 | |||
[0] 0b0: Powers-up IOUT0 | |||
0x20 | COMMON-TRIGGER | 0x0002 | [15:12] 0b0000: Write 0b0101 to unlock the device |
[11:8] 0b0000: Write 0b1010 to trigger a POR reset | |||
[7] 0b0: Write 0b1 to trigger LDAC operation if the respective SYNC-CONFIG-X bit in the DAC-X-FUNC-CONFIG register is 1 | |||
[6] 0b0: Write 0b1 to set the DAC registers and outputs to zero-code or mid-code based on the respective CLR-SEL-X bit in the DAC-X-FUNC-CONFIG register | |||
[5] 0b0: Don't care | |||
[4] 0b0: Write 0b1 to trigger fault-dump sequence | |||
[3] 0b0: Write 0b1 to trigger PROTECT function | |||
[2] 0b0: Write 0b1 to read one row of NVM for fault-dump | |||
[1] 0b1: Write 0b1 to store applicable register settings to the NVM | |||
[0] 0b0: Write 0b1 to reload applicable registers with existing NVM settings | |||
0x24 | GPIO-CONFIG | 0x0035 | [15] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable glitch filter on GPI |
[14] 0b0: Don't care | |||
[13] 0b0: Write 0b1 to enable output mode on GPIO pin | |||
[12:9] 0b0000: STATUS function setting mapped to GPIO as output | |||
[8:5] 0b0001: Determines channels affected by channel-specific GPI functions | |||
[4:1] 0b1010: Selects GPI to trigger margin high and low | |||
[0] 0b1: Enables input mode for GPIO pin |
2: //Configure GPI for margin high/low trigger
3: WRITE GPIO-CONFIG(0x24), 0x00, 0x35
4: //With 16-bit left alignment 0x3FF becomes 0xFFC0
5: WRITE DAC-0-MARGIN-HIGH(0x01), 0xFF, 0xC0
6: //With 16-bit left alignment 0x333 becomes 0xCCC0
7: WRITE DAC-0-MARGIN-LOW(0x02), 0xCC, 0xC0
8: //Set the CODE-SETP to 1 LSB and SLEW-RATE to 4 µs/step
9: WRITE DAC-0-FUNC-CONFIG(0x06), 0x00, 0x01
10: //Power-up voltage output on channel 0, internal reference disabled
11: WRITE GENERAL_CONFIG(0x1F), 0x0F, 0xF9
12: //Save settings to NVM
13: WRITE COMMON-TRIGGER(0x20), 0x00, 0x02
2: //Configure GPI for deep-sleep trigger and enable deep-sleep function
3: WRITE GPIO-CONFIG(0x24), 0x00, 0x35
4: //With 16-bit left alignment 0x80 becomes 0x8000
5: WRITE DAC-0-MARGIN-HIGH(0x01), 0x80, 0x00
6: //Write DAC0 margin low code
7: WRITE DAC-0-MARGIN-LOW(0x02), 0x00, 0x00
8: //Set the CODE-SETP to 1 LSB and SLEW-RATE to 4 µs/step
9: WRITE DAC-0-FUNC-CONFIG(0x06), 0x00, 0x01
10: //Power-up current output on channel 0, internal reference disabled
12: //Save settings to NVM
13: WRITE COMMON-TRIGGER(0x20), 0x00, 0x02