SLAAE64 may 2023 AFE58JD48 , DAC81001 , DAC8801 , DAC8830 , OPA2210 , REF5010 , REF5040 , THS4130
The DAC8830 is a single, 16-bit, voltage-output DAC designed to operate from a single 2.7-V to 5.5-V supply. The device provides excellent linearity (1 LSB INL), low glitch, low noise, and fast settling (1.0 μs to 1/2 LSB of full-scale output) over the specified temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. The output is unbuffered, which reduces the power consumption and the error introduced by the buffer. The output is 0 V to VREF. The DAC has a 1-μs settling time and output spot noise of 10 nV/√Hz.