Below are the steps to modify the
password with the GUI:
- Click the More Option menu and
select the option - Create non-main flash txt firmware.
- Click change button if need
change to other device family.
- Click the BSLPW button.
- Enter your new BSL password.
- Click the OK button to save your
new password, then close this dialog window.
- Enter your new version number for
this modification.
- Click the Generate button and
generate NONMAIN flash configuration data and password file.
There are two generated files saved at
the default output folder as follows:
- Non_main_flash_firmware_v1.txt
- BSL_Password_v1.txt
You can use UNIFLASH tool to program
the Non_main_flash_firmware_v1.txt into device via SWD interface, configure the
NONMAIN flash region. The BSL_Passward_v1.txt file is used for GUI tool firmware
upgrade process.