SLAAEC9 july   2023 MSPM0L1306 , MSPM0L1306


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2LFU Bootloader Features Overview
  6. 3Hardware and Software Setup
    1. 3.1 Hardware Requirement
    2. 3.2 Software Setup
  7. 4LFU Bootloader Implementation
    1. 4.1 LFU Bootloader and Application Projects
    2. 4.2 Memory Allocation
    3. 4.3 LFU Bootloader Implemented
    4. 4.4 LFU Application Code Implementation
      1. 4.4.1 The Linker Command File for Application
      2. 4.4.2 Peripheral and Interrupt Initialization
      3. 4.4.3 Debug for Application Project
    5. 4.5 Invoke Firmware Upgrade Process
  8. 5Host GUI Tool Introduction
    1. 5.1 LFU Firmware Update
    2. 5.2 Application Project Link Files Generation
    3. 5.3 Non-Main Flash Configuration Firmware Generation
      1. 5.3.1 Steps to Generate the Non-Main Flash Configuration Firmware
      2. 5.3.2 UNIFLASH Tool to Program the NONMAIN Flash Configuration Data
  9. 6LFU Bootloader Protocol
    1. 6.1 Packet Format and Core Commands
    2. 6.2 Special Commands in LFU Bootloader
    3. 6.3 Host Device Firmware Upgrade Flow
  10. 7Migration to Other MSPM0 Devices
  11. 8References

UNIFLASH Tool to Program the NONMAIN Flash Configuration Data

  1. Connect LP-MSPM0G3507 to PC and launch UNIFLASH tool.
  2. Manually select the EVM or leave UNIFLASH to detect the part number automatically.
    GUID-20230421-SS0I-HGMM-DFMM-DFHVMBDC2WKS-low.png Figure 5-4 Board Detected by the Uniflash
  3. Select Settings and Utilities option, then check Erase main and non-main memory.
    GUID-20230421-SS0I-6CLP-B962-TZCJCZLZ8J8V-low.png Figure 5-5 Change Erase Method
  4. Select Program option, browse the generated file Non_main_flash_firmware_v1.txt and then click Load Image button.(If enabled the static flash protection, recommend to add the images need to download the area that be static protected).
    GUID-20230421-SS0I-ZDRH-NLVJ-CFPHBV73SWRB-low.png Figure 5-6 Download Non-Main Flash Firmware
  5. Select Memory option, enter 0x41C00000 in Address field and read the data from device, check whether or not you successfully programmed the new configuration data.
    GUID-20230421-SS0I-XPX1-ZFGP-QZK2J5DZZKHH-low.png Figure 5-7 Verify the Firmware in the Memory Readback