If you would like to migrate this
example project to any other MSPM0 devices, you need a different linker command file
of application code for the specific device. The GUI tool can do this, automatic
generate the cmd files according to the MSPM0 part number you input. Use MSPM0G3507
as an example and follow the steps below to generate the needed files:
- In GUI tool, click the More
Option menu and select the option - create linker files.
- Enter MSPM0 part number, for
example MSPM0G3507.
- Select one folder to save the
generated files.
- Click the Generate button to
generate the files.
- The following three files are
- mspm0g3507_App1.cmd, this
is the cmd file for application code 1.
- mspm0g3507_App2.cmd, this
is the cmd file for application code 2.
- device.h, this is the
needed file for bootloader and both application codes.