SLAAED8 October   2024 TAC5111 , TAC5112 , TAC5211 , TAC5212 , TAC5412-Q1 , TAD5112 , TAD5212


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Signal Generator 1 (SG1)
    1. 2.1 Signal Generator 1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 Signal Generator 1 Amplitude and Output Channels
    3. 2.3 Signal Generator 1 Frequency
    4. 2.4 Generating Register Coefficients Using PPC3
  6. 3ADSR Envelope Parameters
    1. 3.1 ADSR Introduction
    2. 3.2 Restart and Sustain Timers
    3. 3.3 Attack, Release, and Decay Timers
    4. 3.4 Sustain Level
    5. 3.5 ADSR Envelope Example Script
    6. 3.6 Ultrasonic Activity Detection (UAD) ADSR Mode
  7. 4Signal Generator 2 (SG2)
    1. 4.1 Signal Generator 2 Introduction
    2. 4.2 Signal Generator 2 Amplitude
    3. 4.3 Signal Generator 2 Frequency
    4. 4.4 Signal Generator 2 Modes
      1. 4.4.1 Manual Mode
      2. 4.4.2 Continuous Pulse Mode
      3. 4.4.3 One Shot Mode
  8. 5Summary

Signal Generator 1 Amplitude and Output Channels

Registers B0_P17_R104 (0x68) to B0_P17_111 (0x6F) in Table 2-1 configure amplitude levels and select output channels for SG1.

Two ways to configure amplitude are executing I2C scripts or using PPC3 mixing volume coefficients.

Table 2-1 demonstrates how these two methods increase or decrease amplitude in steps of 0.56dB gain. Here, I2C scripts require 16-bit registers per channel. Each amplitude and channel selection configuration requires executing a 32-bit I2C command.

This example script template places each analog output channel of OUT1 and OUT2 in a 32-bit I2C commands. This template applies to all SG2 registers as well.

The full-scale value in Vrms and max gain in dB correlates to 0x40000. This makes up 16-bit of the 32-bit I2C command.

#Example template to configure SG1 to OUT1P&M and OUT2P&M. Same format #applies to SG2 registers.  
#w a0 68 [OUT1M] [OUT1M] [OUT1P] [OUT1P]
#w a0 6C [OUT2M] [OUT2M] [OUT2P] [OUT2P] 
#w xx XX [15:8] [7:0] [15:8] [7:0] 

# This is a 32-bit I2C command. Here, OUT1P has full gain while OUT1M has #no gain.
w a0 68 00 00 40 00 

SG1 example script has an example on amplitude and channel selection using I2C commands. PPC3 provides a range of coefficients between 1 to 0. To predict gain in dB through these coefficients, use...

Equation 1. gain=20log10mixing volume coefficient, dB

The full-scale value in Vrms and max gain in dB correlates to a coefficient of 1.

Figure 2-2 demonstrates how signal generators use mixing volume coefficients to configure amplitude in PPC3.

TAC5412QRGERQ1 Amplitude and Output Channel Configuration GUIFigure 2-2 Amplitude and Output Channel Configuration GUI

Table 2-4 shows how to navigate to the tone generator GUI.

Table 2-1 Amplitude Level Configuration
Decimal Value16-bit I2C commandMixing Volume CoefficientGain dBVrms
Table 2-2 Programmable Register Map for SG1 Amplitude and Output Channels
PageRegisterDescriptionReset Value
0x110x68Side Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT1M coefficient byte [15:8]0x00
0x110x69Side Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT1M coefficient byte [7:0]0x00
0x110x6ASide Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT1P coefficient byte [15:8]0x00
0x110x6BSide Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT1P coefficient byte [7:0]0x00
0x110x6CSide Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT2M coefficient byte [15:8]0x00
0x110x6DSide Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT2M coefficient byte [7:0]0x00
0x110x6ESide Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT2P coefficient byte [15:8]0x00
0x110x6FSide Chain DAC Mixer, SG1 to OUT2P coefficient byte [7:0]0x00