SLAAEE3A July 2023 – June 2024 MSPM0L1306
You need to fulfill the configurations of the “tBattParamsConfig” structure in “Gauge_UserConfig.c”. For easy evaluation, change the general configuration parameters.
Divide these parameters into two parts. A short description for all these related parameters is in Table 4-4.
Parameters | Comment |
u16DesignCap_mAh | Just input the standard capacity of battery or the tested battery capacity through battery parameter generation test. |
u16MinBattVoltThd_mV u16MaxBattVoltThd_mV i8MaxTempThd_C i8MinTempThd_C |
Battery Vcell, Tcell threshold. These are reserved to control warning flags when the battery situation is above these parameters. |
u8AvgBattParamsUpdateCount | This parameter tells the average data is received after the settled cycles. |
u8SysTikShift sysTikFreq |
Choose the algorithm running frequency. |
Parameters | Comment |
u8CircuitTableLength | Circuit table length |
u8CircuitTableTestTemp_C iq15RcellNegTshift_R iq15RcellPosTshift_R |
These parameters are used to evaluate the Rcell under a different temperature. It is by experience and does not affect the performance too much. |