SLAAEE6 October 2023 MSPM0L1306 , MSPM0L1306
ADC DC error source (INL, DNL, GAIN, Offset) affects the calibration accuracy. However, the Offset error has the largest influence, especially for low-voltage detection. For MSPM0L130x, the max offset error is -3.5mV, when using internal reference. If the used reference is 1.4 V, about 9 LSB error is caused from ADC offset. To reduce this error influence, you need to do an additional ADC offset calibration.
ADC reference error also takes the same influence like the GAIN error. For MSPM0L130x, the max reference error is ±1.5%. To reduce this error influence, you can do an additional ADC reference calibration, or use an external reference.
In a word, all the ADC error cannot be calibrated automatically and the cost is added.