SLAAEF1A August   2023  – July 2024 AFE11612-SEP


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Laser and Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Biasing
  6. 3EML Negative Bias Voltage
  7. 4Photodiode Detection Measurement
  8. 5Variable Optical Attenuator Control
  9. 6Summary
  10. 7References
  11. 8Revision History

Variable Optical Attenuator Control

Variable optical attenuators (VOA) are commonly used in ONET applications to help control the light and power output of laser applications. The AFE11612-SEP DACs and differential ADCs can be used to control VOAs and also monitor the current and power of the attenuators. Similar to the laser current monitoring, an INA can be used instead of the AFE11612-SEP differential ADC inputs for higher voltage applications. Figure 5-1 shows a circuit that measures the current going into the VOA.

                                                  Control Circuit Figure 5-1 VOA Control Circuit