SLAAEG4 October 2023 MSPM0C1104 , MSPM0L1306
All microcontrollers are designed for a variety of applications and often a particular application does not use 100% of the MCU resources.
To increase EMC performance, do not leave unused clocks, counters, and I/Os free or floating; for example, set I/Os to 0 or 1 (pullup or pulldown on unused I/O pins) and disable unused features.
Pin | Potential | Comment |
PAx | Open | Set corresponding pin functions to GPIO (PINCMx.PF = 0x1) and configure unsused pins to output low or input with internal pullup or pulldown resistor. |
NRST | VDD | NRST is an active-low reset signal; it must be pulled high to VCC or the device will not start. |