SLAAEH7 February   2024 MSPM0L1306


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 System Description
    2. 1.2 Design 1: High Efficiency Design with 50kHz
    3. 1.3 Design 2: Space Optimized Design with 250kHz
    4. 1.4 Design 3: MCU Driven Design with Flexible Switching Frequency
      1. 1.4.1 Selection of MOSFETs
      2. 1.4.2 Efficiency Test
        1. Current Consumption of PWM (Ipwm) Test
        2. Efficiency Test Set Up
        3. Efficiency Test Results at 50kHz Switching Frequency
        4. Efficiency Test Results at 250kHz Switching Frequency
  5. 2Design File
    1. 2.1 Schematics
    2. 2.2 Bill of Materials
  6. 3Summary
  7. 4References

Efficiency Test Results at 50kHz Switching Frequency

The efficiency test was conducted with input voltages set to 1.8V, 2.4V and 3.6V. Presented on Figure 1-7 are the efficiency curves versus the output current for both design 1 in solid lines and design 3 in dashed lines. In this test, design 3 runs with 50kHz switching frequency using a same transformer as design 1. At an input voltage of 3.6V, it is observed that both designs attain an efficiency more than 80%.

Figure 1-8 depicts the output voltage as a function of the output current for the two designs, where both demonstrating good linearity throughout the current range tested.

GUID-20240105-SS0I-7P6D-NXLB-PLNX8Q3HT5RB-low.svgFigure 1-7 Efficiency Test Results of Design 1 and Design 3 at 50khz Switching Frequency
GUID-20240105-SS0I-VXLL-GNSS-GCJ2HWSSPQVL-low.svgFigure 1-8 VOUT vs IOUT of Design 1 and Design 3 at 50khz Switching Frequency