The TAS5756M device is a high-performance, stereo closed-loop amplifier with integrated audio processor with architecture. To convert from digital to analog, the device uses a high performance DAC with Burr-Brown® mixed signal heritage. It requires only two power supplies; one DVDD for low-voltage circuitry and one PVDD for high-voltage circuitry. It is controlled by a software control port using standard I2C communication. In the family, the TAS5756M uses traditional BD modulation, ensuring low distortion characteristics. The TAS5754M uses 1SPW modulation to reduce output ripple current, the expense of slightly higher distortion.
The unique HybridFlow architecture allows the system designer to choose from several configurable DSP programs that are specifically designed for use in popular audio end equipment such as bluetooth (BT) speakers, sound bars, docking stations, and subwoofers. This architecture combines the flexibility of a fully programmable device with the fast download time and ease of use of a fixed-function ROM device.
An optimal mix of thermal performance and device cost is provided in the 90 mΩ rDS(on) of the output MOSFETs. Additionally, a thermally enhanced 48-Pin HTSSOP provides excellent operation in the elevated ambient temperatures found in modern consumer electronic devices.
TAS5756M | HTSSOP (48) | 12.50 mm × 6.10 mm |
Changes from A Revision (January 2015) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (June 2014) to A Revision
NAME | NO. | |||
ADR0 | 26 | DI | Figure 11 | Sets the LSB of the I2C address to 0 if pulled to GND, to 1 if pulled to DVDD |
ADR1 | 20 | DI | Sets the second LSB of the I2C address to 0 if pulled to GND, to 1 if pulled to DVDD | |
AGND | 10 | G | — | Ground reference for analog circuitry(2) |
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AVDD | 14 | P | Figure 2 | Power supply for internal analog circuitry |
BSTRPA– | 1 | P | Figure 3 | Connection point for the SPK_OUTA– bootstrap capacitor which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for SPK_OUTA– |
BSTRPA+ | 5 | P | Connection point for the SPK_OUTA+ bootstrap capacitor which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for SPK_OUTA | |
BSTRPB– | 48 | P | Connection point for the SPK_OUTB– bootstrap capacitor which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for SPK_OUTB– | |
BSTRPB+ | 44 | P | Connection point for the SPK_OUTB+ bootstrap capacitor which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for SPK_OUTB+ | |
CN | 34 | P | Figure 15 | Negative pin for capacitor connection used in the line--driver charge pump |
CP | 32 | P | Figure 14 | Positive pin for capacitor connection used in the line-driver charge pump |
CPVDD | 31 | P | Figure 2 | Power supply for charge pump circuitry |
CPVSS | 35 | P | Figure 15 | –3.3-V supply generated by charge pump for the DAC |
DAC_OUTA | 13 | AO | Figure 8 | Single-ended output for Channel A of the DAC |
DAC_OUTB | 36 | AO | Single-ended output for Channel B of the DAC | |
DGND | 29 | G | — | Ground reference for digital circuitry. Connect this pin to the system ground. |
DVDD | 30 | P | Figure 2 | Power supply for the internal digital circuitry |
DVDD_REG | 28 | P | Figure 16 | Voltage regulator derived from DVDD supply for use for internal digital circuitry. This pin is provided as a connection point for filtering capacitors for this supply and must not be used to power any external circuitry. |
GND | 33 | G | — | Ground pin for device. This pin should be connected to the system ground. |
GPIO0 | 18 | DI/O | Figure 11 | General purpose input/output pins (GPIOx) which can be incorporated in a HybridFlow for a given purpose. Refer to documentation of target HybridFlow to determine if any of these pins are required by the HybridFlow and, if so, how they are to be used. In most HybridFlows, presentation of a serial audio signal, called SDOUT, is done through GPIO2. |
GPIO1 | 19 | |||
GPIO2 | 21 | |||
GVDD_REG | 8 | P | Figure 5 | Voltage regulator derived from PVDD supply to generate the voltage required for the gate drive of output MOSFETs. This pin is provided as a connection point for filtering capacitors for this supply and must not be used to power any external circuitry. |
LRCK/FS | 25 | DI/O | Figure 12 | Word select clock for the digital signal that is active on the serial port's input data line. In I2S, LJ, and RJ, this corresponds to the left channel and right channel boundary. In TDM mode, this corresponds to the frame sync boundary. |
MCLK | 22 | DI | Master clock used for internal clock tree and sub-circuit and state machine clocking | |
PGND | 3 | G | — | Ground reference for power device circuitry. Connect this pin to the system ground. |
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PVDD | 6 | P | Figure 1 | Power supply for internal power circuitry |
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SCL | 17 | DI | Figure 10 | I2C serial control port clock |
SCLK | 23 | DI/O | Figure 12 | Bit clock for the digital signal that is active on the input data line of the serial data port |
SDA | 16 | DI/O | Figure 9 | I2C serial control port data |
SDIN | 24 | D1 | Figure 12 | Data line to the serial data port |
SPK_INA– | 11 | AI | Figure 7 | Negative pin for differential speaker amplifier input A |
SPK_INA+ | 12 | AI | Positive pin for differential speaker amplifier input A | |
SPK_INB– | 38 | AI | Negative pin for differential speaker amplifier input B | |
SPK_INB+ | 37 | AI | Positive pin for differential speaker amplifier input B | |
SPK_FAULT | 40 | DO | Figure 17 | Fault pin which is pulled low when an overcurrent, overtemperature, overvoltage, undervoltage, or DC detect event occurs |
SPK_GAIN/FREQ | 9 | AI | Figure 6 | Sets the gain and switching frequency of the speaker amplifier, latched in upon start-up of the device. |
SPK_OUTA– | 2 | AO | Figure 4 | Negative pin for differential speaker amplifier output A |
SPK_OUTA+ | 4 | AO | Positive pin for differential speaker amplifier output A | |
SPK_OUTB– | 47 | AO | Negative pin for differential speaker amplifier output B | |
SPK_OUTB+ | 45 | AO | Positive pin for differential speaker amplifier output B | |
SPK_MUTE | 27 | I | Figure 13 | Speaker amplifier mute which must be pulled low (connected to DGND) to mute the device and pulled high (connected to DVDD) to unmute the device. |
Themal pad | G | — | Provides both electrical and thermal connection from the device to the board. A matching ground pad must be provided on the PCB and the device connected to it through solder. For proper electrical operation, this ground pad must be connected to the system ground. |