SLAU358Q September 2011 – October 2019
Click the Verify button in the Main Dialog GUI to verify that the contents of the target MCU's flash memory have been properly programmed. This function is best used after programming the same segment of memory, as performed using the button described above. Make sure that the same memory segments are enabled in the Memory Options configuration window shown in Figure 2-2, as during programming described above, to ensure all programmed segments are verified (Section 2.1.5 describes in detail how to use the memory configuration window).
Verification of selected flash memory is divided into two steps: (1) verify selected flash memory that only corresponds to the code file, and (2) verify selected flash memory that corresponds to the code file AND selected flash memory not included in the code file that should be empty (0xFF). Examples of selected flash memory include Main Memory, All Memory, or User defined, with the exception of Retain Data (if defined). Verified flash memory that only corresponds to the code file is displayed in the GUI using Verify-XXXX messages, where XXXX is the start address of a contiguous code segment. Verified flash memory that corresponds to the code file AND flash memory not included in the code file is displayed in the GUI using Gl.Verify-XXXX messages; where XXXX is the start address of a contiguous code and empty data segment. Each contiguous segment is verified using a checksum (CS) and pseudo-signature analysis (PSA). Verification passes if the CS and PSA match between flash memory and the code file.
If configuration conflicts arose during programming that indicated that the MCU did not contain sufficient memory for the code to be programmed (either enabled segments or total memory was too small), then the Verify function verifies only the code that was programmed and ignores the code that could not fit in memory. This function succeeds if the code in flash matches the code file, and fails otherwise.
If the verification fails for any reason, TI recommends using an option from the pulldown menu View→Compare Code File and Flash Data. When this option is enabled, the contents of the Flash or FRAM memory is read and compared with used code file contents. Only bytes defined in the Code File contents are compared. All other byte contents taken from the Flash or FRAM are ignored, regardless of their content. If no errors are found by this verification, even the verification itself failed, then bytes outside of the code file (not programmed) have a value other than 0xFF. Check the firmware that was downloaded to Flash or FRAM to determine if the firmware is modifying the Flash or FRAM in unused memory space after MCU reset (for example, if the Flash or FRAM is used for additional memory space like EEPROM).
If the verification fails and the MCU has FRAM memory, then the following pop-up message is displayed.