SLAU367P October 2012 – April 2020 MSP430FR5041 , MSP430FR5043 , MSP430FR50431 , MSP430FR5847 , MSP430FR58471 , MSP430FR5848 , MSP430FR5849 , MSP430FR5857 , MSP430FR5858 , MSP430FR5859 , MSP430FR5867 , MSP430FR58671 , MSP430FR5868 , MSP430FR5869 , MSP430FR5870 , MSP430FR5872 , MSP430FR58721 , MSP430FR5887 , MSP430FR5888 , MSP430FR5889 , MSP430FR58891 , MSP430FR5922 , MSP430FR59221 , MSP430FR5947 , MSP430FR59471 , MSP430FR5948 , MSP430FR5949 , MSP430FR5957 , MSP430FR5958 , MSP430FR5959 , MSP430FR5962 , MSP430FR5964 , MSP430FR5967 , MSP430FR5968 , MSP430FR5969 , MSP430FR5969-SP , MSP430FR59691 , MSP430FR5970 , MSP430FR5972 , MSP430FR59721 , MSP430FR5986 , MSP430FR5987 , MSP430FR5988 , MSP430FR5989 , MSP430FR5989-EP , MSP430FR59891 , MSP430FR5992 , MSP430FR5994 , MSP430FR59941 , MSP430FR6005 , MSP430FR6007 , MSP430FR6035 , MSP430FR6037 , MSP430FR60371 , MSP430FR6041 , MSP430FR6043 , MSP430FR60431 , MSP430FR6045 , MSP430FR6047 , MSP430FR60471 , MSP430FR6820 , MSP430FR6822 , MSP430FR68221 , MSP430FR6870 , MSP430FR6872 , MSP430FR68721 , MSP430FR6877 , MSP430FR6879 , MSP430FR68791 , MSP430FR6887 , MSP430FR6888 , MSP430FR6889 , MSP430FR68891 , MSP430FR6920 , MSP430FR6922 , MSP430FR69221 , MSP430FR6927 , MSP430FR69271 , MSP430FR6928 , MSP430FR6970 , MSP430FR6972 , MSP430FR69721 , MSP430FR6977 , MSP430FR6979 , MSP430FR69791 , MSP430FR6987 , MSP430FR6988 , MSP430FR6989 , MSP430FR69891
The CRC generators are initialized by writing the "seed" to the CRC Initialization and Result (CRC16INIRES or CRC32INIRES) registers. Any data that should be included in the CRC calculation must be written to the CRC Data Input (CRC16DI or CRC32DI) registers in the same order that the original CRC signatures were calculated. The actual signature can be read from the CRC16INIRES or CRC32INIRES registers to compare the computed checksum with the expected checksum. Signature generation describes a method of how the result of a signature operation can be calculated. The calculated signature, which is computed by an external tool, is called checksum in the following text. The checksum is stored in the product's memory and is used to check the correctness of the CRC operation result.