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Because the system clock can be asynchronous to the RTC_C clock source, the RTCTCRDY bit in the RTCTCMP_H register should be considered for reliable writing into RTCTCMP register. RTCTCRDY is a read-only bit that is set when the hardware is ready to take in the new temperature compensation value. A write to RTCTCMP should be avoided when RTCTCRDY bit is reset. Writes into RTCTCMP register when RTCTCRDY is reset are ignored.
RTCTCOK is a status bit that indicates if the write to RTCTCMP register is successful or not. RTCTCOK is set if the write to RTCTCMP is successful and reset if the write is unsuccessful. The status remains the same until the next write to the RTCTCMP register. If the write to RTCTCMP is unsuccessful, then the user needs to attempt writing into RTCTCMP again when RTCTCRDY is set.
Figure 29-2 shows the scheme for real-time clock offset error calibration and temperature compensation.