This section provides general usage information for the EVM.
- Recommended power up sequence:
- Connect GND to J4 (black – GND)
- Connect Vcc to J3 (red – VCC)
- Connect RF input signal to J1 (RFIN)
- Connect measurement instrument to J2 (RFOUT)
- Ensure the device is not in power-down mode by shorting JP1 terminals 1 and 2 or simply remove JP1 to take advantage of the TRF37x73/75’s internal pull-down resistor.
- Power supply options:
- For TRF37x73 devices, set VCC to 3.3 V
- For TRF37x75 devices, set VCC to 5.0 V
- PWDN option:
- Short terminals 2 and 3 on JP1 to put the TRF37x73/75 in its power down state.
- Tuning options:
- Solder mask has been removed along the RF signal paths and VCC path allowing an easy method to slide surface mount components along these traces for optimal tuning.