SLAU723A October 2017 – October 2018 MSP432E401Y , MSP432E411Y
The QEI module interprets the two-bit gray code produced by a quadrature encoder wheel to integrate position over time and determine direction of rotation. In addition, it can capture a running estimate of the velocity of the encoder wheel.
The position integrator and velocity capture can be independently enabled, though the position integrator must be enabled before the velocity capture can be enabled. The two phase signals, PhAn and PhBn, can be swapped before being interpreted by the QEI module to change the meaning of forward and backward and to correct for miswiring of the system. Alternatively, the phase signals can be interpreted as a clock and direction signal as output by some encoders.
The QEI module input signals have a digital noise filter on them that can be enabled to prevent spurious operation. The noise filter requires that the inputs be stable for a specified number of consecutive clock cycles before updating the edge detector. The filter is enabled by the FILTEN bit in the QEI Control (QEICTL) register. The frequency of the input update is programmable using the FILTCNT bit field in the QEICTL register.
The QEI module supports two modes of signal operation: quadrature phase mode and clock and direction mode. In quadrature phase mode, the encoder produces two clocks that are 90 degrees out of phase; the edge relationship is used to determine the direction of rotation. In clock/direction mode, the encoder produces a clock signal to indicate steps and a direction signal to indicate the direction of rotation. This mode is determined by the SIGMODE bit of the QEICTL register (see Section 24.5.1).
When the QEI module is set to use the quadrature phase mode (SIGMODE bit is clear), the capture mode for the position integrator can be set to update the position counter on every edge of the PhA signal or to update on every edge of both PhA and PhB. Updating the position counter on every PhA and PhB edge provides more positional resolution at the cost of less range in the positional counter.
When edges on PhA lead edges on PhB, the position counter is incremented. When edges on PhB lead edges on PhA, the position counter is decremented. When a rising and falling edge pair is seen on one of the phases without any edges on the other, the direction of rotation has changed.
The positional counter is automatically reset on one of two conditions: sensing the index pulse or reaching the maximum position value. The reset mode is determined by the RESMODE bit of the QEICTL register.
When RESMODE is set, the positional counter is reset when the index pulse is sensed. This mode limits the positional counter to the values [0:N-1], where N is the number of phase edges in a full revolution of the encoder wheel. The QEI Maximum Position (QEIMAXPOS) register must be programmed with N-1 so that the reverse direction from position 0 can move the position counter to N-1. In this mode, the position register contains the absolute position of the encoder relative to the index (or home) position once an index pulse has been seen.
When RESMODE is clear, the positional counter is constrained to the range [0:M], where M is the programmable maximum value. The index pulse is ignored by the positional counter in this mode.
Velocity capture uses a configurable timer and a count register. The timer counts the number of phase edges (using the same configuration as for the position integrator) in a given time period. The edge count from the previous time period is available to the controller via the QEI Velocity (QEISPEED) register, while the edge count for the current time period is being accumulated in the QEI Velocity Counter (QEICOUNT) register. As soon as the current time period is complete, the total number of edges counted in that time period is made available in the QEISPEED register (overwriting the previous value), the QEICOUNT register is cleared, and counting commences on a new time period. The number of edges counted in a given time period is directly proportional to the velocity of the encoder.
Figure 24-3 shows how the MSP432E4 quadrature encoder converts the phase input signals into clock pulses, the direction signal, and how the velocity predivider operates (in Divide by 4 mode).
The period of the timer is configurable by specifying the load value for the timer in the QEI Timer Load (QEILOAD) register. When the timer reaches zero, an interrupt can be triggered, and the hardware reloads the timer with the QEILOAD value and continues to count down. Lower encoder speeds require a longer timer period to capture enough edges to have a meaningful result. At higher encoder speeds, both a shorter timer period and/or the velocity predivider can be used.
Equation 66 converts the velocity counter value into an rpm value:
For example, consider a motor running at 600 rpm. A 2048 pulse per revolution quadrature encoder is attached to the motor, producing 8192 phase edges per revolution. With a velocity predivider of ÷1 (VELDIV is clear) and clocking on both PhA and PhB edges, this results in 81920 pulses per second (the motor turns 10 times per second). If the timer were clocked at 10000 Hz, and the load value was 2500 (1/4 of a second), it would count 20480 pulses per update. Using the above equation:
Now, consider that the motor is sped up to 3000 rpm. This results in 409600 pulses per second, or 102400 every 1/4 of a second. Again, the above equation gives:
Care must be taken when evaluating this equation because intermediate values may exceed the capacity of a 32-bit integer. In the above examples, the clock is 10000 and the divider is 2500; both could be predivided by 100 (at compile time if they are constants) and therefore be 100 and 25. In fact, if they were compile-time constants, they could also be reduced to a simple multiply by 4, cancelled by the ÷4 for the edge-count factor.
Reducing constant factors at compile time is the best way to control the intermediate values of this equation and reduce the processing requirement of computing this equation.
The division can be avoided by selecting a timer load value such that the divisor is a power of 2; a simple shift can therefore be done in place of the division. For encoders with a power of 2 pulses per revolution, the load value can be a power of 2. For other encoders, a load value must be selected such that the product is very close to a power of 2. For example, a 100 pulse-per-revolution encoder could use a load value of 82, resulting in 32800 as the divisor, which is 0.09% above 214. In this case a shift by 15 would be an adequate approximation of the divide in most cases. If absolute accuracy were required, the microcontroller's divide instruction could be used.
The QEI module can produce a controller interrupt on several events: phase error, direction change, reception of the index pulse, and expiration of the velocity timer. Standard masking, raw interrupt status, interrupt status, and interrupt clear capabilities are provided.