SLAU846B June 2023 – November 2024 MSPM0G1105 , MSPM0G1106 , MSPM0G1107 , MSPM0G1505 , MSPM0G1506 , MSPM0G1507 , MSPM0G1519 , MSPM0G3105 , MSPM0G3105-Q1 , MSPM0G3106 , MSPM0G3106-Q1 , MSPM0G3107 , MSPM0G3107-Q1 , MSPM0G3505 , MSPM0G3505-Q1 , MSPM0G3506 , MSPM0G3506-Q1 , MSPM0G3507 , MSPM0G3507-Q1 , MSPM0G3519
I2C Target Initialization
I2C Target Status
User can read the I2Cx.SSR register to check the current state of the I2C target.
Bit Field | Description |
RREQ | This bit is set if the I2C controller has outstanding receive data from the I2C controller and is using clock stretching to delay the controller until the data has been read from the SRXDATA FIFO (Target RX FIFO is full) |
TREQ | This bit is set if the I2C controller has been addressed as a target transmitter and is using clock stretching to delay the controller until data has been written to the STXDATA FIFO (Target TX FIFO is empty). |
OAR2SEL | This bit is set if SOAR2.OAR2 address matched and ACKed by the target. |
QCMDST | Quick command status value. This bit is 0 if the last transaction was a normal transaction or a transaction has not occurred. This bit is set if the last transaction was a quick command transaction |
QCMDRW | Quick command read / write status. This bit only has meaning when the QCMDST bit is set. This bit is 0 if quick command was a write. This bit is set if quick command was a read. |
Target receiver mode is entered when the target address transmitted by the controller matches its own address and a cleared R/W bit is received. In target receiver mode, serial data bits received on SDA are shifted in with the clock pulses that are generated by the controller device. The target device does not generate the clock, but it can hold SCL low if intervention of the CPU is required after a byte has been received.
After the a data byte is received, the SRXDONE (0x11) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register is set to indicate that a byte has been received. The I2C module automatically acknowledges the received data or user can choice to manually send acknowledge after each byte received by configuring the I2Cx.SACKCTL register.
When the controller generates a START condition, the SSTART (0x17) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register is set. When the controller generates a STOP condition, the SSTOP (0x18) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register is set.
User can also set use the SRXFIFOTRG (0x13) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register to read the data from the receive FIFO. This interrupt will trigger when receive FIFO contains >= defined bytes, the trigger level can be defined by using RXTRIG bit in I2Cx.SFIFOCTL register.
The SRXDONE approach could be used if target wants to slow down communication to evaluate reception of every byte, while the SRXFIFOTRG approach could be used to maximize throughput and avoid clock stretching.
The flow chart of using SRXDONE and SRXFIFOTRG interrupt to read the receive data are shown in Figure 20-13 and Figure 20-14 respectively.I2C Target Transmitter Mode
Target transmitter mode is entered when the target address transmitted by the controller is identical to its own address with a set R/W bit. The target transmitter shifts the serial data out on SDA with the clock pulses that are generated by the controller device. The target device does not generate the clock, but it can hold SCL low if intervention of the CPU is required after a byte has been transmitted.After a data byte is transmitted, the STXDONE (0x12) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register is set to indicate that a byte has been transmitted.
When the controller generates a START condition, the SSTART (0x17) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register is set. When the controller generates a STOP condition, the SSTOP (0x18) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register is set.
User can also set use the STXFIFOTRG (0x14) interrupt in CPU_INT.IIDX register to load the data to the transmit FIFO. This interrupt will trigger when transmit FIFO contains <= defined bytes, the trigger level can be defined by using TXTRIG bit in I2Cx.SFIFOCTL register.
The STXDONE approach could be used if target wants to slow down communication to evaluate reception of every byte, while the STXFIFOTRG approach could be used to maximize throughput and avoid clock stretching.The flow chat of using STXDONE and STXFIFOTRG interrupt to transmit data are shown in Figure 20-15 and Figure 20-16.