I2C supports operation in low-power modes.
Supported power mode for controller mode:
- Controller mode with 100kHz speed can operate in RUN, SLEEP, STOP power mode
- Controller mode with 400kHz speed can operate in RUN, SLEEP power mode
- Controller mode with 1MHz speed can operate in RUN, SLEEP power mode
In low-power mode, the I2C interface automatically request the clock selected in the CLKSEL control register after detecting a start condition. The clock request is released after
detection of the STOP condition.
Supported power mode and wakeup mode for target mode:
- Target mode with 100kHz speed can operate in RUN, SLEEP, STOP power mode
- Target mode with 100kHz speed
can't operate in STANDBY mode because the maximum bus clock in STANDBY mode is
32kHz and support for 100kHz speed requires a minimum 400kHz clock. However, in
STANDBY mode the I2C target can still wakeup from the start bit and perform the
Asynchronous Fast Clock Requests to temporarily get a 24MHz/32MHz clock to
receive the data until the FIFO or address match interrupt wakes up the CPU.
- Target mode with 400kHz speed in RUN, SLEEP power mode
- Target mode with 1MHz speed in RUN, SLEEP power mode