SLLA497 September   2020 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1


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Summary of AC/DC Topologies

Table 3-1 compares and summarizes the previously-discussed PFC topologies.

Table 3-1 Pros and Cons of PFC Topologies
2-Level 3-Level NPC 3-Level Vienna 3-Level TNPC 3-Level ANPC
THD of output current High Very low Very low Very low Very low
Peak voltage stress on active and passive devices High Low Low Low /(High Blocking) Lowest
Power density Low Higher High High Higher
Bidirectional Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Conduction loss Low high high Mid high
Switching loss High Low Mid Mid Low
Efficiency Low Very High (at high frequency) High High Highest
Cost Low High Mid Mid High
Control Easy Mid Mid Mid Mild
Input inductor size Large Low Low Low Low
Thermal management Easy Difficult due to unsymmetrical loss distribution Mild Easy Easy