SLOA284A january   2020  – may 2023 AFE5832 , AFE5832LP , ISO7741 , ISOW7841 , LM25037 , LM25180 , LM5180 , LM5181 , LM5181-Q1 , TX7316 , TX7332


  1.   1
  2.   Designing Bipolar High Voltage SEPIC Supply for Ultrasound Smart Probe
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Key Design Challenges
    2. 1.2 Potential Topologies for Generating High Voltage Supply
  5. 2Design of high voltage circuit using SEPIC topology
    1. 2.1 TI HV Supply Architecture Using SEPIC Topology
  6. 3Test Results
    1. 3.1 Efficiency and Load Regulation
    2. 3.2 Output Ripple Measurement
    3. 3.3 Load Transient Test
    4. 3.4 Noise Measurement
    5. 3.5 Thermal Performance
  7. 4Possible Variants of the Design
    1. 4.1 Option 1: Programmable Output Voltage
    2. 4.2 Option 2: Support Input From 1S Li-Ion Battery
    3. 4.3 Option 3: Output Voltage Up to ±100 V
  8. 5Layout Guidelines
  9. 6Clock Synchronization
  10. 7Summary
  11. 8References
  12. 9Revision History


Ultrasound imaging is widely used technique for diagnostic purpose. In addition to high-performance cart-based ultrasound systems, it is now possible to use a handheld device (smart probe) to accomplish high-quality ultrasound imaging. These smart probes leverage the power and resources of a mobile/tablet to process and display ultrasound images. A typical use case for these systems is to bring modern medical imaging technology to remote places, making the diagnostics faster. This small equipment is typically powered by battery (1S/2S), or from USB source. The data can be transferred over USB or Wi-Fi®.

Figure 1-1 (left) shows a generic picture of such smart probe ultrasound scanner depicting a probe connected to a mobile device. Figure 1-1 (right) shows the system level block diagram of the smart probe, which includes transmit (TX) and receive (RX) analog front end (AFEs) for transmitting and receiving ultrasonic pulses and a FPGA to perform beam-forming. The whole setup is powered through the power supply board, consisting of DC-DC converters to generate point of load voltages, HV circuit for TX and USB controller for data and power management. This whole assembly of the analog front-end and power supply module is shown in Figure 1-2, where the different sections are highlighted in red.

GUID-3357B72E-8D21-468F-A2AF-1EBC5FCF0EEB-low.gif Figure 1-1 (left) Generic Smart Probe; (right) System Block Diagram of Smart Probe Ultrasound Scanner
GUID-3A233CCE-874C-4323-909B-9A7C746814AA-low.jpg Figure 1-2 Power Supply and TX+RX AFE Boards

This application report focuses on the generation of compact, transformer less high-voltage supply for powering an ultrasound transmitter. This design generates programmable bipolar supply up to ±80V, from a very low input voltage (typically 5 V) in a single stage. Key constraints of size and height are met by using transformer-less SEPIC architecture. High efficiency of SEPIC architecture ensures low thermal footprint. This design also achieves <2% load regulation, fast transient response, and very low noise. The solution can be synchronized to an external clock in order to enable filtering of beat frequencies.

Table 1-1 below summarizes the design specifications of the high voltage circuit in the smart probe ultrasound scanner.

Table 1-1 Design Specifications of High Voltage Power Supply in Smart Probe Ultrasound Scanner
Characteristics Specifications
Input voltage range
  • Option-1: From USB power (4.25V to 5.5V DC)
  • Option-2: From 1S/2S Li-Ion battery (3.6 V to 8.4 DC)
Output voltage Bipolar (from 10 V to 80 V @ 25 mA and -10 V to -80 V @ 25 mA), symmetrical loads
Peak Efficiency 75%
Switching frequency 250 kHz
Size (length x width) 15 mm x 45 mm (single layer)
Height < 5 mm
Output voltage regulation <2%
Voltage symmetry with equal load on both rails <1%
Output ripple 0.1% of the output voltage
Synchronization to external clock frequency Yes