SLOA312 December 2021 DRV8412 , DRV8424 , DRV8426 , DRV8428 , DRV8434 , DRV8436 , DRV8803 , DRV8804 , DRV8805 , DRV8806 , DRV8844 , DRV8847 , DRV8932 , DRV8935 , DRV8955
Unipolar stepper motors have two windings per phase. The common wiring configuration for unipolar motors is four wires connected to the motor windings (A+, A-, B+ and B-) and a center tap on each phase. The center taps can be electrically isolated; or they can be shorted electrically. The center taps are generally connected to the motor voltage supply, VM.
Current flows from VM supply to only one half of a winding at any given time. The center tap allows the magnetic field to be reversed without having to reverse the direction of current in a winding. The tradeoff is that because only half of each winding is used at a given time, unipolar steppers result in lower torque and efficiency.
However, as current flows only in a single direction, the driver electronics for unipolar stepper motors can be simpler compared to bipolar stepper motors. Only four low-side MOSFETs and circulating diodes are sufficient to drive a unipolar stepper motor.