SLUA450A January   2008  – November 2022 BQ27421-G1 , BQ27425-G2A , BQ27425-G2B , BQ27441-G1 , BQ27505-J2 , BQ27505-J3 , BQ27505-J4 , BQ27505-J5 , BQ27520-G4 , BQ27530-G1 , BQ27531-G1 , BQ27545-G1 , BQ27546-G1 , BQ27741-G1 , BQ40Z50 , BQ40Z50-R1 , BQ40Z50-R2


  1.   Theory and Implementation of Impedance Track™ Battery Fuel-Gauging Algorithm in bq2750x Family
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Summary of the Algorithm Operation
  4. 2Parameters Updated by the Gas Gauge in More Detail
    1. 2.1 Modes of Algorithm Operation
    2. 2.2 Update of Chemical Depth of Discharge (DOD)
    3. 2.3 Update of Qmax
    4. 2.4 Update of Resistance
    5. 2.5 Update of Temperature Model
    6. 2.6 Update of DataRAM.Remaining Capacity (RM) and DataRAM.Full Charge Capacity (FCC)
    7. 2.7 Update of DataRAM.Remaining Capacity( ) and DataRAM.State Of Charge( ) Values
  5. 3Real Application Example
    1. 3.1 GSM Smart Phone Application
  6. 4Revision History

Update of DataRAM.Remaining Capacity (RM) and DataRAM.Full Charge Capacity (FCC)

Update of RM and FCC takes place after each resistance grid-point update, at the end of discharge, and at the exit of relaxation mode.

FCC consists of three parts:

DataRAM.Full Charge Capacity( ) = Qstart+ PassedCharge + RM

Components of FCC are indicated in an example in Figure 2-4.

GUID-ACA5B992-CE3E-4F6B-9EC2-507FE0A969C1-low.gifFigure 2-4 Components of DataRAM.Full Charge Capacity( ) Value
  1. Qstart is the charge that would have passed to make DOD = DOD0 from a fully charged state (DODcharge). For a fully charged battery Qstart = 0. Qstart is recalculated at the exit of relaxation mode. In the case of constant current, it is simply Qstart = Qmax × (DOD0 – DODcharge), but for the constant power case a voltage simulation is run. DODcharge is assigned equal to DOD0 at first DOD0 update after charge termination by taper current. Note that DODcharge is somewhat higher than 0 because chargers typically do not charge a battery to full.
  2. PassedCharge is the coulomb count integrated during the present discharge or charge and set to zero at every DOD0 update.
  3. Remaining capacity is calculated after each resistance grid-point update and at the end of discharge

DataRAM.Remaining Capacity( ) (RM) is calculated using a voltage simulation. The GG starts a simulation at the present DODstart = DOD0 + PassedCharge/Qmax and continues calculating voltage V(DODx,T) = OCV(DODx,T)+ I×R(DODx,T) by incrementing DOD with dDOD increment of 4%. DOD[i]=DODstart + dDOD×I. This incrementing is continued until the simulated voltage V(DOD[i]) becomes less than DF.Terminate Voltage. Once that happens, the final DOD is revealed. DataRAM.Remaining Capacity( ) = (DODfin-DODstart)×Qmax.

Current that is used in the simulation is the average current during the present discharge (several types of averaging can be selected using DF.Load Select data flash constant). A simulation can run in constant current mode (DF.Load Mode = 0) or constant power mode (DF.Load Mode = 1).