SLUA450A January   2008  – November 2022 BQ27421-G1 , BQ27425-G2A , BQ27425-G2B , BQ27441-G1 , BQ27505-J2 , BQ27505-J3 , BQ27505-J4 , BQ27505-J5 , BQ27520-G4 , BQ27530-G1 , BQ27531-G1 , BQ27545-G1 , BQ27546-G1 , BQ27741-G1 , BQ40Z50 , BQ40Z50-R1 , BQ40Z50-R2


  1.   Theory and Implementation of Impedance Track™ Battery Fuel-Gauging Algorithm in bq2750x Family
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Summary of the Algorithm Operation
  4. 2Parameters Updated by the Gas Gauge in More Detail
    1. 2.1 Modes of Algorithm Operation
    2. 2.2 Update of Chemical Depth of Discharge (DOD)
    3. 2.3 Update of Qmax
    4. 2.4 Update of Resistance
    5. 2.5 Update of Temperature Model
    6. 2.6 Update of DataRAM.Remaining Capacity (RM) and DataRAM.Full Charge Capacity (FCC)
    7. 2.7 Update of DataRAM.Remaining Capacity( ) and DataRAM.State Of Charge( ) Values
  5. 3Real Application Example
    1. 3.1 GSM Smart Phone Application
  6. 4Revision History

Update of Temperature Model

Because temperature changes significantly during the course of a discharge, the algorithm needs to be able to predict the future temperature. This is needed for temperature correction of battery impedance (R = Ra x exp(Rb x T)) during voltage simulation near the end of discharge. To achieve this, the algorithm collects T(t) dependence data during discharge. It is used to update parameters of a simple thermal model including a heat exchange coefficient and a thermal time constant. These parameters are updated at the same time as resistances. The algorithm also records the outside temperature (T_out) during relaxation periods. These parameters are used to define a function T(t, T_start) that calculates a temperature profile starting from present temperature, T_start, and continuing until the end of discharge.