SLUAA76A June   2022  – September 2024 UCC27524A-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
    1. 2.1 SOIC Package
    2. 2.2 HVSSOP Package
  5. 3Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
  6. 4Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)
    1. 4.1 SOIC Package
    2. 4.2 HVSSOP Package
  7. 5Revision History

HVSSOP Package

Figure 4-2 shows the UCC27524A-Q1 pin diagram for the HVSSOP package. For a detailed description of the device pins please refer to the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the UCC27524A-Q1 data sheet.

UCC27524-Q1 Pin Diagram (HVSSOP Package Topview) Figure 4-2 Pin Diagram (HVSSOP Package Topview)
Table 4-6 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Ground
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
ENA 1 OUTA stuck low. B
INA 2 OUTA stuck low B
GND 3 No effect. D
INB 4 OUTB stuck low. B
OUTB 5 OUTB stuck low. Device can be damaged. A
VDD 6 No power is applied to the device. D
OUTA 7 OUTA stuck low. Device can be damaged. A
ENB 8 OUTB stuck low. B
Table 4-7 Pin FMA for Device Pins Open-Circuited
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
ENA 1 OUTA is enabled. OUTA follows INA command. B
INA 2 OUTA stuck low. B
GND 3 No power is applied to the device. OUTA and OUTB pulled up to VDD. D
INB 4 OUTB stuck low. B
OUTB 5 No effect. OUTB is disconnected from the gate of power stage. D
VDD 6 No power is applied to the device. D
OUTA 7 No effect. OUTA is disconnected from the gate of power stage. B
ENB 8 OUTB is enabled. OUTB follows INB command. B
Table 4-8 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin
Pin Name Pin No. Shorted to Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
ENA 1 INA Lose ENA disabling control of OUTA. B
INA 2 GND OUTA stuck low. B
GND 3 INB OUTB stuck low B
OUTB 5 VDD OUTB stuck high. Device can be damaged. A
VDD 6 OUTA OUTA stuck high. Device can be damaged. A
OUTA 7 ENB OUTA unknown. Device can be damaged. A
Table 4-9 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Supply
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
ENA 1 OUTA is enabled. OUTA follows INA command. B
INA 2 OUTA is stuck high. Device can be damaged. A
GND 3 No power is applied to the device. D
INB 4 OUTB is stuck high. B
OUTB 5 OUTB is stuck high. Device can be damaged. A
VDD 6 No effect. D
OUTA 7 OUTA is stuck high. Device can be damaged. A
ENB 8 OUTB is enabled. OUTB follows INB command. D