SLUAAG6 June 2022 BQ25180
Figure 5-10 illustrates the BQ25181 design schematic. The components highlighted in a black box are those required for operation and are included on the 12 mm2 solution size for the charger. These components are also outlined on white silkscreen box on the physical board.
Components outside the black box are not essential for operation and are included to facilitate the end user interaction with the board. A test point for monitoring purposes is included in each pin of the BQ25181 device. Also available is the USB2ANY connector for performing I2C communication with the TI Chargers GUI Software, and a 10.2-KΩ resistor on the TS/MR pin which disables temperature monitoring by simulating normal operation of the charger for evaluation.
The pads for the 10-kΩ pull up resistors for SDA and SCL pins (R5 and R6) are populated on this board, as well as the pull up resistor for the INT pin (R3) and the PG/GPO (R9) pin. The pull-up resistor for the /CE pin (R8) is unpopulated on the board.