SLUAAX5 August 2024 BQ25750 , BQ40Z80 , MSPM0L1306
The SBS specifications are a set of standards that allow the system host to interface between Smart Battery Chargers, Smart Batteries, and other SMBus devices through the SMBus interface. The SBS has a set of features such as error detection, error signaling, and pre-defined commands from the System Management Specifications. These pre-defined commands are standardized functions that either read or write a 2-byte word with a minimum accuracy, range, granularity, and an invalid detection indication. These features and other specifications have to be met to be SBS compliant.
For this application note, the SBS specifications of interest are the charging voltage and current registers. The gauge is required to transmit ChargingVoltage() and ChargingCurrent() to the 0x15 and 0x14 commands respectively. The SBS Specification states the ChargingVoltage() data range is from 0 to 65,534 mV in voltage regulation while there is a good power supply attached. The ChargingCurrent() has the data range from 0 to 65,534 mA. For more information on exceptions, refer to the ChargingCurrent() (0x14) section and ChargingVoltage() (0x15) section of the SBS Specification.