SLUSDQ4 April 2019 BQ79606A-Q1
Supply Currents | ||||||
ISHDN | Supply current in SHUTDOWN mode | Addition of both BAT and LDOIN supply current | 30 | 65 | 105 | µA |
ISLP(IDLE) | Supply current in SLEEP mode with no functionality enabled | Cell balancing disabled | 95 | 130 | 165 | µA |
ISLP(BAL) | Supply current in SLEEP mode with only cell balancing enabled | One or more cell balancing FETs turned on | 700 | 780 | 850 | µA |
IACT(IDLE) | Supply current in ACTIVE mode with no functionality enabled | No communication. Cell balancing disabled. | 3.7 | 4.2 | 4.6 | mA |
IACT(COMT) | Additional supply current during communication (Average) | Daisy-chain interface communicating, transformer isolation. There is a 1KΩ termination. Depends on Transformer used. | 2 | mA | ||
IACT(COMC) | Daisy-chain interface communicating, capacitor isolation. There is a 10KΩ termination. | 0.5 | ||||
IACT(BAL) | Additional supply current during cell balancing | No communication. Cell balancing active. | 125 | 145 | 170 | µA |
IACT(CONVERT) | Additional supply current during ADC conversion | No communication, Only Conversion
Conversion started, conversion period active; |
2.05 | 2.42 | 2.65 | mA |
Reference Voltages | ||||||
VREF1 | REF1 Reference voltage | REF1 capacitor = 1 µF, AVDD in regulation,
TA = -40C to 105C |
2.492 | 2.497 | 2.503 | V |
VREF1SWING | Detectable REF1 amplitude during oscillations (frequency from 0.2MHz to 10MHz) | Frequency between 0.2MHz to 10MHz. | 330 | mV | ||
VREF1OV | Over-voltage threshold for REF1 | 2.52 | 2.59 | 2.66 | V | |
VREF1UV | Undervoltage threshold for REF1 | 2.37 | 2.425 | 2.47 | V | |
VREF2 | REF2 reference voltage | 1.0975 | 1.100 | 1.1025 | V | |
VREF3 | Internal bandgap voltage, used by POR circuits | -40C to 105C | 1.2 | 1.22 | 1.26 | V |
VPTATGAIN | PTAT voltage gain | 25C, AVDD_REF = 2.4V | 1.17 | mV/C | ||
Supplies | ||||||
VVLDO | VLDO output voltage | IOUT = 10 mA, C = 1 µF | 4.9 | 5.0 | 5.1 | V |
VVLDOOV | VLDO Over-voltage threshold | 5.31 | 5.6 | 5.87 | V | |
VVLDOOVHYS | VLDO OV hysteresis | 50 | 60 | 150 | mV | |
IVLDO(LIMIT)LP | VLDO Current limit | External allowable load on the LDO including CVDD load, C=2.2uF, SLEEP Mode. | 7.9 | 14 | 23 | mA |
IVLDO(LIMIT)HP | VLDO Current limit | External allowable load on the LDO including CVDD load, C=2.2uF, Active Mode. | 21.5 | 35 | 55 | mA |
TSHUT(VLDO)R | VLDO LDO thermal shutdown threshold | TJ rising | 138 | ℃ | ||
TSHUT(VLDO)F | TJ falling | 123 | ℃ | |||
VTSREF | NTC monitor reference voltage | 2.47 | 2.5 | 2.53 | V | |
ITSREF | TSREF current limit | 5 | 12.6 | mA | ||
VTSREFOV | TSREF over-voltage threshold | TSREF rising, | 2.7 | 2.85 | V | |
VTSREFOVHYS | TSREF over-voltage threshold hysteresis | VTSREF falling | 160 | mV | ||
VTSREFUV | TSREF under-voltage threshold | TSREF falling, | 2.16 | 2.22 | 2.27 | V |
VTSREFUVHYS | TSREF under-voltage threshold hysteresis | TSREF rising | 65 | 80 | 95 | mV |
VOSCTSREF | Detectable voltage oscillation above VTSREF at frequency from 0.2 MHz to 10 MHz | 300 | mV | |||
VAVDD | AVDD Output voltage | IOUT = 8 mA, C = 2.2 µF | 4.9 | 5.0 | 5.1 | V |
VAVDDOV | AVDD over-voltage threshold | AVDD rising | 5.7 | V | ||
VAVDDOVHYS | AVDD OV hysteresis | AVDD falling | 200 | mV | ||
VAVDDUV_F | Falling AVDD under-voltage threshold | AVDD Falling | 4.10 | 4.25 | V | |
VAVDDUV_R | Rising AVDD under-voltage threshold | AVDD Rising | 4.4 | 4.65 | V | |
TSHUT(AVDD)R | AVDD LDO thermal shutdown threshold | TJ rising | 138 | ℃ | ||
TSHUT(AVDD)F | TJ falling | 123 | ℃ | |||
VDVDD | DVDD Output voltage | IOUT = 8 mA, C = 2.2 µF | 1.65 | 1.8 | 1.95 | V |
VDVDDOV | DVDD over-voltage threshold | DVDD rising, 200mV hysteresis | 2.2 | V | ||
VDRDVDD_F | Falling DVDD Digital Reset threshold | DVDD falling | 1.57 | 1.66 | V | |
VDRDVDD_R | Rising DVDD Digital Reset threshold | DVDD rising | 1.67 | 1.77 | V | |
TSHUT(DVDD)R | DVDD LDO thermal shutdown threshold | TJ rising | 138 | ℃ | ||
TSHUT(DVDD)F | TJ falling | 123 | ℃ | |||
VAVAO_REF_1 | Internal always-on supply rail (AVAO_REF) | Vbat>=5.5V | 2.30 | 2.40 | 2.49 | V |
VAVAO_REF_2 | 4.75V=<Vbat<=5.5V (Bridge devices) | 2.24 | 2.4 | 2.48 | V | |
VAVAO_REF_UV | AVAO_REF under-voltage threshold | VBAT falling, 111mV hysteresis | 1.93 | 1.98 | 2.18 | V |
VAVAO_REF_OV | AVAO_REF over-voltage threshold | VBAT rising, 150mV hysteresis | 2.75 | 2.85 | 2.95 | V |
VAVAO_REF_OVHYS | AVAO_REF OV hysteresis | VBAT falling | 130 | mV | ||
VAVDDREF_FLTZ | AVDD_REF UV threshold Falling | AVDD_REF falling, 100mV hysteresis | VAVAO-150mV | mV | ||
VAVDDREF_FLTZ_HYST | AVDD_REF UV hysteresis | AVDD_REF rising | 50 | mV | ||
VVPROG | OTP programming voltage input range | 7.4 | 7.6 | 7.8 | V | |
VVPROGOV | VPROG overvoltage detection threshold | VVPROG rising, | 7.85 | 7.91 | 8 | V |
VVPROGUV | VPROG undervoltage detection threshold | VVPROG falling, 100mV hysteresis | 7.2 | 7.25 | 7.35 | V |
VVPROGUVHYS | VPROG undervoltage detection threshold hysteresis | VVPROG rising, VAVDD>4.5V, SH_REFL=1.1V | 85 | mV | ||
VCVDD | CVDD voltage supply input range | 4.9 | 5 | 5.1 | V | |
VCVDDUV | CVDD under-voltage threshold | VCVDD falling, 100-mV hysteresis | 4.2 | 4.41 | 4.56 | V |
VCVDDUVHYS | CVDD under-voltage threshold hysteresis | 70 | mV | |||
VVIO | IO voltage supply input range | 1.8 | 5.25 | V | ||
VVIOUV_Fall | VIO under-voltage threshold | VIO falling, 100-mV hysteresis | 1.3 | 1.75 | V | |
VVIOUV_Hys | VIO under-voltage hysteresis threshold | VIO rising | 0.1 | V | ||
VCVSSOPEN | CVSS open detection threshold | 0.092 | 0.26 | V | ||
VDVSSOPEN | DVSS open detection threshold | 0.092 | 0.26 | V | ||
CELL ADC Measurements (VC_ Inputs) | ||||||
VC*_N | Cell input voltage range | VCn to VCn–1, excluding VC1 to VC0, Common Mode Voltage >3V for VC3 to VC6. | –2 | 5.0 | V | |
VC1 to VC0 | 0 | 5.0 | ||||
ΔIVCn | VCn to VCn–1 input current mismatch | (VCELLn - VCELLn-1) < 1V, TA = –20°C to +65°C | 990 | nA | ||
ΔIVCn(FULL) | -2 V < VCELL < 5 V, TA = –40°C to +105°C | 1.5 | μA | |||
VACC_1 | Total channel accuracy for voltage measurements | VCELL = 3 V, CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11
TA = 25°C |
–1.72 | 0.43 | mV | |
VACC_2 | Total channel accuracy for voltage measurements | 2.0 V < VCELL < 5 V, CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11
TA = 0°C to +65°C |
–3.23 | 1.91 | mV | |
VACC_3 | Total channel accuracy for voltage measurements | 2.0 V < VCELL < 5 V, CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11
TA = -20°C to +65°C |
–4.24 | 2.6 | mV | |
VACC_4 | Total channel accuracy for voltage measurements | 2.0 V < VCELL < 5.0 V, CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11
TA = –40°C to +105°C |
–4.46 | 3.77 | mV | |
VACC_5 | Total channel accuracy for voltage measurements | -2.0 V < VCELL < 2.0 V, CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11
TA = –20°C to +65°C |
–14.32 | 14.07 | mV | |
VACC_Full | Total channel accuracy for voltage measurements | –2 V < VCELL < 5 V, CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11
TA = –40°C to +105°C |
–18.22 | 15.56 | mV | |
VRES | Resolution for voltage measurements | 256 decimation ratio selected | 190.7 | µV | ||
IVCOFF | VC* leakage currents | Cell measurements disabled | 0.1 | µA | ||
IVCONADC | VC* bias currents | Cell measurement active | 3 | µA | ||
Internal Temperature Sense | ||||||
TJADC_RANGE | TINT range | –40 | 125 | °C | ||
TJADC_RES1 | TINT resolution | CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b00 | 3.3 | °C | ||
TJADC_RES2 | CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11 | 0.125 | °C | |||
TJADC_ACC | TINT temperature accuracy | CELL_ADC_CONF1[DR] = 0b11 | –13 | 13 | °C | |
AUX ADC Measurements | ||||||
VGPIO* | Input voltage range GPIO* to AVSS | 0.0 | VIO | V | ||
VGPIORES2 | GPIO_ measurement resolution | Absolute setting, DR=256. | 190.7 | µV | ||
VACCGP(abs) | GPIO ADC measurement accuracy in absolute measurement mode | 1 V< VGPIO_ < 4.5 V, TA = –40°C to +105°C, DR=256. | –13.5 | +13.5 | mV | |
VACCGP(rat) | GPIO ADC measurement accuracy in ratiometric measurement mode | Percentage of TSREF, TA = –20°C to +65°C, DR=256. | –1.22 | 1.19 | % | |
Percentage of TSREF, TA = –40°C to +105°C, DR=256. | –1.28 | 1.23 | ||||
VACCBAT | Stack voltage measurement accuracy DR=256. | VBAT>21V | -300 | +300 | mV | |
VACCCELL | Cell voltage AUX ADC measurement accuracy DR=256. | 2 V< VCB_ < 5 V, TA = –40°C to +105°C | -7.5 | 7.5 | mV | |
VREF2_AUX | Reference output measured by AUX, DR=256. | -17 | 10 | mV | ||
VZERO_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail ZERO ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -25.02 | 18.2 | mV | ||
VAVAO_REF_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail AVAO_REF ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -38 | 35 | mV | ||
VREF3_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail REF3 ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -21 | 13.2 | mV | ||
VTSREF_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail TSREF ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -50.5 | 38 | mV | ||
VDVDD_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail DVDD ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -21.5 | 15.1 | mV | ||
VCVDD_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail CVDD ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -139 | 106.5 | mV | ||
VUT_ACC_AUX | UT DAC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -39.05 | 24.91 | mV | ||
VOT_ACC_AUX | OT DAC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -32.6 | 32.4 | mV | ||
VUV_ACC_AUX | UV DAC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -53.2 | 79.6 | mV | ||
VOV_ACC_AUX | OV DAC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -76.4 | 114.85 | mV | ||
VAVDD_ACC_AUX | Supply Rail AVDD ADC measurement accuracy, DR=256. | -57.15 | 44.06 | mV | ||
Cell Balancing | ||||||
IBAL | Maximum balancing current with ambient temperature of 85 C | Per cell | 150 | mA | ||
RBAL | External Balancing current resistor range. The allowable range for the cell balancing resistor to set the balancing current upto 5mA to 150mA. | 10 | 400 | Ω | ||
RDS(ON) | Balancing FET resistance | VCELL > 2 V | 4.0 | 6.3 | 12 | Ω |
VCBDONE | CBDONE threshold range for cell balancing (measured at VCn to VCn-1) | 1 ≤ n ≤ 6 | 2.8 | 4.3 | V | |
VCBDONEACC_1 | CBDONE threshold accuracy | -20C to 105C, 2.8V < VCELL < 4.0V | -45 | 45 | mV | |
VCBDONEACC_1 | CBDONE threshold accuracy | -20C to 105C, 4.0V < VCELL < 4.3V | -55 | 55 | mV | |
VBAL(MIN) | Minimum cell voltage for use of internal balancing FET | 2 | V | |||
ICBOFF | CB* leakage currents | CB disabled | 0.1 | µA | ||
VCBVCFLT | CBn pin fault threshold (faulted when (CBn-CBn-1) / (VCn-VCn-1) > VCBVCFLT | 2V < VCELL < 5V and 1 ≤ n ≤ 6 | 67 | % | ||
VVCLOW | VCLOW comparator threshold for proper CBVC comparator operation VCn-VCn-1 > VVCLOW | 2V < Vcell < 5V and 1 ≤ n ≤ 6 | 0.9 | V | ||
IOWSNK | VCn and CBn OW sink current (VC and CB =3V) | 1 ≤ n ≤ 6 | 170 | 250 | 350 | µA |
IOWSRC | VC0 and CB0 OW source current (VC and CB =0V) | n=0 | 200 | 250 | 350 | µA |
TSHUTCB_R | Cell Balancing TSHUT threshold rising | 123 | 140 | 155 | ℃ | |
TSHUTCB_F | Cell Balancing TSHUT threshold fallig | 130 | ℃ | |||
Hardware Comparators | ||||||
VOV | OV comparator programmable range | VCELL rising, 100 mV Hysteresis, 25-mV LSB | 2 | 5 | V | |
VOVHYS | OV comparator hysteresis | VCELL falling | 100 | mV | ||
VUV | UV comparator programmable range | VCELL falling, 100 mV Hysteresis, 25mV LSB | 0.7 | 3.875 | V | |
VUVHYS | UV comparator hysteresis | VCELL rising | 100 | mV | ||
VOT | OT comparator programmable range | VGPIO falling, 2% Hysteresis, 1% LSB | 20 | 35 | % of TSREF | |
VOTHYS | OT comparator hysteresis | VGPIO rising | 2 | % of TSREF | ||
VUT | UT comparator programmable range | VGPIO rising, 2% Hysteresis, 1% LSB | 60 | 75 | % of TSREF | |
VUTHYS | UT comparator hysteresis | VGPIO falling | 2 | % of TSREF | ||
VOVACC_1 | OV Comparator Accuracy | TA = –20°C to 65°C, 3.8V <VCELL< 5V | –28 | 25 | mV | |
VOVACC_2 | OV Comparator Accuracy | TA = –40°C to 105°C, 3.8V <VCELL< 5V | –43 | 37 | mV | |
VOVACC(FULL) | TA = –40°C to 105°C, 2V <VCELL< 5V | –75 | 56 | mV | ||
VUVACC_1 | UV Comparator Accuracy | TA = –20°C to 65°C, 2.5V <VCELL< 3.875V | –60 | 40 | mV | |
VUVACC_2 | UV Comparator Accuracy | TA = –40°C to 105°C, 2.5V <VCELL< 3.875V | –70 | 50 | mV | |
VUVACC(FULL) | TA = –40°C to 105°C, 0.7V <VCELL< 3.875V | –100 | 67 | mV | ||
ICBONCOMP | CB* bias currents | Hardware comparators enabled | 6 | µA | ||
VTSCMPACC | OT/UT Comparator Accuracy | –1 | 1 | % of TSREF | ||
Daisy Chain Communication Bus | ||||||
RDCTX | Daisy chain transmitter output impedance | 15 | Ω | |||
VDCCM | Daisy chain common mode voltage | 2.3 | 2.45 | 2.6 | V | |
VCOM_Tone | Daisy-chain communication receiver threshold programmable range (VCOM*P – VCOM*N) | Communication tone Receiver threshold voltage (differential voltage). VBAT>5.5V. | 0.66 | 1.96 | V | |
VCOM_Data | Daisy-chain communication receiver threshold (VCOM*P – VCOM*N) | Communication Data Receiver threshold voltage (differential voltage). VBAT>5.5V. | 0.6 | 1.77 | V | |
VFAULTH_Tone | Daisy-chain communication receiver threshold (VFAULTHP – VFAULTHN) | Fault Tone Receiver threshold voltage (differential voltage). VBAT>5.5V. | 0.22 | 1.77 | V | |
Digital I/Os (TX, RX, GPIO_, NFAULT, WAKEUP, SPI) | ||||||
VOH | Logic level output voltage high (TX, GPIO*, SDO) | GPIO configured as output, FET pull-up (Not Resistive)
IOUT = 1 mA, VVIO=3.3V |
VIO – 0.3 | V | ||
VOL | Logic level output voltage low (TX, NFAULT, GPIO*, SDO) | GPIO configured as output, FET pull-down (Not resistive)
IOUT = 1 mA, VVIO=3.3V |
0.3 | V | ||
VIH | Logic level input voltage high (RX, GPIO*, WAKEUP, SDI) | GPIO configured as input. VVIO=3.3V | 0.65xVVIO | V | ||
VIL | Logic level input voltage low (RX, GPIO*, WAKEUP, SDI) | GPIO configured as input. VVIO=3.3V | 0.35xVVIO | V | ||
RPUWK | Weak pullup resistor | Weak pullup selected | 120 | 200 | 310 | kΩ |
RPDWK | Weak pulldown resistor | Weak pulldown selected | 120 | 200 | 310 | kΩ |
ILKG | Input leakage | Configured as analog input for ADC application | 0.1 | µA | ||
Thermal Protection | ||||||
TSD | Thermal shutdown threshold | TDIE rising, VBAT >= 4.75V | 123 | 137 | 155 | ºC |
TSD_Fall | Thermal shutdown falling | TDIE falling, VBAT >= 4.75V | 108 | 125.5 | ºC | |
TWARN | Temperature warning threshold (based on temperature ADC reading) | TDIE rising, VBAT ≥ 4.75V | 115 | °C | ||
VPTAT | PTAT voltage at 25C | TA=25℃ | 330 | mV |