SLUUCI8 November 2023 BQ76905
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | DA Config | H2 | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | 0x0000 | Hex |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RSVD0_6 | RSVD0_5 | RSVD0_4 | RSVD0_3 | RSVD0_2 | RSVD0_1 | RSVD0_0 | TSMODE |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Description: This register includes configuration settings related to the device data acquisition.
Bit | Field | Default | Description |
8 | TSMODE | 0 | This bit controls whether the TS pin is used for external thermistor measurement or as a general purpose ADC input. 0 = TS pin is used for external thermistor measurement, with the internal pullup resistor enabled during measurement, and the ADC used in ratiometric mode, using the internal REG18 LDO voltage for the pullup resistor bias and for the ADC reference. 1 = TS pin is used for general purpose ADC voltage measurement, with the internal pullup resistor disabled during measurement, and the ADC using the internal bandgap for its reference. |
7–6 | CCMODE_1–CCMODE_0 | 0 | Selects coulomb counter mode. Note that CC1 Current() and accumulated charge integration only operates in modes where the coulomb counter is running continuously (0x00 NORMAL mode, or 0x01 NORMAL mode while no idle slots are being introduced, or
0x02 NORMAL mode)
0 = NORMAL mode: Coulomb counter runs continuously, independent of the LOOP_SLOW or CB_LOOP_SLOW setting. SLEEP mode: Coulomb counter run continuously while the voltage ADC is running in SLEEP mode during a burst measurement. It stops at the conclusion of the measurement underway when the burst measurement completes. Startup mode (at initial powerup from SHUTDOWN or exit of DEEPSLEEP): Coulomb counter runs continuously while the voltage ADC is running during the Startup Sequence. It stops at the conclusion of the measurement underway when the Startup Sequence completes (default) 1 = NORMAL mode: Coulomb counter runs continuously if LOOP_SLOW or CB_LOOP_SLOW is set to the fastest setting. When these parameters are modified to slower settings, the device inserts 1, 3, or 7 idle slots between each current measurement slot, thereby reducing the average output rate of the current measurements. SLEEP mode: Coulomb counter run continuously while the voltage ADC is running in SLEEP mode during a burst measurement. It stops at the conclusion of the measurement underway when the burst measurement completes. Startup mode (at initial powerup from SHUTDOWN or exit of DEEPSLEEP): Coulomb counter runs continuously while the voltage ADC is running during the Startup Sequence. It stops at the conclusion of the measurement underway when the Startup Sequence completes. 2 = NORMAL mode: Coulomb counter runs continuously in low power mode (so only takes ~4 µA instead of ~60 µA).SLEEP mode: SLEEP mode: Coulomb counter takes one measurement at the beginning of each burst measurement using its low power mode. Startup mode (at initial powerup from SHUTDOWN or exit of DEEPSLEEP): Coulomb counter takes one measurement using its low power mode at the beginning of the Startup Sequence. 3 = Coulomb counter is powered down and does not operate at all. This provides a low power mode for customers who do not need current measurement. |
5–4 | CVADCSPEED_1–CVADCSPEED_0 | 0 | Selects ADC conversion speed for cell voltage measurements. Higher speed results in higher noise in conversions.
0 = 2.93 ms per conversion (default) 1 = 1.46 ms per conversion 2 = 732 µs per conversion 3 = 366 µs per conversion |
3–2 | IADCSPEED_1–IADCSPEED_0 | 0 | Selects ADC conversion speed for current measurements. Higher speed results in higher noise in conversions.
0 = 2.93 ms per conversion (default) 1 = 1.46 ms per conversion 2 = 732 µs per conversion 3 = 366 µs per conversion |
1–0 | SSADCSPEED_1–SSADCSPEED_0 | 0 | Selects ADC conversion speed for Shared Slot measurements. Higher speed results in higher noise in conversions.
0 = 2.93 ms per conversion (default) 1 = 1.46 ms per conversion 2 = 732 µs per conversion 3 = 366 µs per conversion |